Mr and Mrs Baris

We arrived at the courthouse a few minutes later, and the reality now hit me—this was truly happening. Master Coj came to open the car door for me and offered his arm for me to hold. I was tense, my palms slick with sweat. Inside, I was crying, but I had to pretend for Master Coj that I was overjoyed to marry his grandson.

As we entered the courthouse, I was struck by the grandeur of the place. There was a huge ballroom made entirely of glass. It was just a long hallway filled with so many people, some seated, others standing, all going about their own business. Beyond that, there were stairs and elevators leading to the upper floors.

"Come, let's take the elevator. Baris must be upstairs waiting for us," Mr. Coj said as he gently led me, sensing that I was lost in my thoughts.

"I know this isn't what you expected, but I promise you, I'll throw you a wedding that exceeds your wildest dreams," he added, mistaking my quietness for disappointment that there wasn't a big wedding.

"No, Grandpa, this is amazing. I don't dream of a big wedding," I replied, trying to assure him.

"Ooh, that's new," Master Coj remarked with a hint of surprise in his voice. "It's every girl's dream to have a beautiful wedding, so if that's not your dream, then what is?"

His question sent a ripple through my thoughts, awakening so many buried feelings and questions that I'd been trying to avoid. What is my dream? I used to have dreams, once, but now they seem like distant, unattainable fantasies. At this moment, I don't believe in dreams anymore. My only wish right now is to find a way out of this situation, to escape the suffocating weight of it all, and somehow make my way back home to my mom, where I felt safe and loved. But of course, I couldn't say that to Master Coj. How could I possibly reveal the turmoil inside me?

I looked up at him, trying to mask my fear, even as my eyes brimmed with unshed tears. In a voice that I barely recognized as my own, I replied calmly, "My dream is to have a peaceful home."

Even as I said it, I knew it wasn't the full truth, but it was the only answer I could give. To my surprise, Master Coj's face lit up with happiness and approval. He seemed genuinely pleased with my response, which made me wonder just how good of an actress I had become in such a short amount of time. It was astonishing, really. In a matter of days, I had learned to conceal my true feelings, to put on a facade that seemed convincing enough to fool even those who were closest to me. This was one of those situations where you would do anything—say anything—to survive. It was like discovering a hidden talent, one I never wanted to have. The absurdity of it almost made me laugh.

Just then, Master Coj started to say something else, but the elevator doors opened, interrupting him. Standing there, waiting at the entrance, was Baris. He began to greet his grandpa, but as soon as his eyes landed on me, he froze. His words faltered, and for a moment, there was only silence as he stared at me, his expression unreadable. It was as if he was seeing me for the first time, trying to make sense of the situation that was unfolding before him


"You look beautiful," he finally said, smiling as he extended his hand for me to hold.

As soon as I placed my hand in his, he raised it to his lips and kissed it, keeping his gaze fixed on me.

"Mmmmmh," Master Coj gave a sound, reminding his grandson that he needed to get out of the elevator.

"Oh, sorry, Grandpa. Shall we?" Baris said, leading me out into a corridor while making way for his grandpa. He then asked his grandpa to give us a moment alone.

He led me to the end of the long corridor, passing a few closed doors, and later we ended up at a huge and beautiful balcony that gave a beautiful view of the city. Once he was sure that we were far enough from his grandpa, he tightened his grip on my hand and pinned me to the wall. Slowly, he kissed my forehead, and as he began to move down towards my neck, I could hear his heart beating fast and his warm breath caressing my skin.

His grip on my hand was too tight, almost painful, and then, just as his moist lips touched my neck, at that moment, all my knees felt weak, and I subconsciously slid down.

Realizing that I was bending, he quickly supported me, his hands firm and reassuring. In a very seductive, cracked voice, he said, "I just called you here to let you know what's happening."

The intensity of his words was chilling, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. That was really scary. I know we are getting married, but what else is happening? My mind raced, trying to make sense of his ominous tone.

"I want you to know that you are walking into a point of no return," he continued, his gaze unflinching. "From here, you will be forever Mrs. Baris, and the only thing that can change that is death."

The gravity of his statement was almost unbearable. At this point, I felt a desperate need to say something—anything. But what could I possibly say?

"We are just acting, right?" I asked, trying to hold onto a thread of hope that this was all just part of some elaborate game.

"Yes, we are acting forever," he said, his smile taking on a devilish, almost sinister quality that made my heart race even faster.

I stood there, feeling paralyzed and overwhelmed, not knowing how to respond. My mind was a whirlwind of confusion and fear.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly as I tried to grasp at any semblance of control in this chaotic moment.

"No. Now, let's go before we get late," he replied, his tone shifting to a more practical note as he guided me away.

We went back through the corridors and entered one of the closed doors. Inside, Mr. Coj was waiting, his impatience evident in the way he fidgeted and glanced at his watch.

"Finally, these two lovebirds are here," he said with a mixture of relief and enthusiasm.

The ceremony was brief and unceremonious. The registrar read out a few standard vows, the words flowing in a monotonous drone. We responded with a mechanical "I do" when prompted, our voices merging into one. After that, we simply signed a few official papers, and that was it. The whole process felt surreal and rushed, with little fanfare or emotion.

The registrar concluded with the final words, "I now announce you husband and wife."

Master Coj stepped forward, his face beaming with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. He reached out and enveloped us both in a warm, encompassing hug. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Baris," he said, his voice full of cheerful finality.