Chapter 16: Living Graves

Chin, wearing a somber black dress, stood at her mother's grave in the same graveyard where she had met Mark a few days ago. She felt a deep connection to this place because it was where her mother rested in eternal slumber. Chin began to speak, as though having a conversation with her late mother. A solitary tear trickled down her cheek.

"Mom, do you know that when you died, it was my 5th birthday?" Chin's voice quivered with emotion. She continued, "I don't know why, but that night, I thought you would wake me up at 12 o'clock, as you used to do, and wish me a happy birthday with a cake and balloons. But that day, all I heard was the sound of gunfire. When I woke up, there was the grim surprise of your lifeless body waiting outside my room's door."

Every year, on this day, Chin couldn't help but wonder about her mother's final moments. She whispered softly, "I wonder what your last words were, Mom, how the last 10 minutes and 38 seconds of your life went. Did you think about me, about Dad, about your friends, or did you just find peace in that moment, enjoying it for the first time? Mom, I wish I had known how to fire a gun back then. Maybe we could have been together after that... Mom, I miss you."

Chin stood up, wiping away her tears, and as she made her way back, she unexpectedly bumped into Mark. He didn't waste a moment and quipped, "Are you stalking me?"

Chin managed a smile, "I should ask the same thing from you. What are you doing here?"

Mark replied coolly, "My father is buried here, so I think I have full rights to visit this place without hesitation. At least, that's what the law states."

Chin couldn't help but chuckle, "Why do lawyers always bring up the law in everything?"

Mark's response was typically aloof, "Because that's our business, and we mind our own business."

Mark's cold demeanor seemed to add to the graveyard's melancholy charm. Chin decided to change the topic, "By the way, have you made any progress?"

Mark, ever mysterious, replied, "Yes, I think so. The devil is as close to me as the distance between us right now."

Chin glared at him, "That's good for you. Just find him. But I don't think you can find him without the map."

Mark simply said, "Let's see," and walked past Chin without further conversation.

Back at the base station, Hazel and Taewoo followed the signal from the burner phone to a large building. They were there to inquire about the call they had received from this location, the call claiming to have the map. Inside, they met Mr. William Sung, the owner of the building, a man of mixed English and Korean heritage.

Taewoo introduced themselves, "Mr. William Sung, I'm Taewoo, and we're from the investigation department. We have some questions to ask."

Mr. William was gracious, "Sure, kid, you can ask me anything. My assistant informed me that you received a call from this building, and you're investigating it. How can I help?"

Hazel got straight to the point, "We need a list of all the people and staff who were here on June 15, 2023, along with their complete data."

Mr. William stood up, "You should have told me earlier; I could have emailed you the list. Let me ask my assistant to provide you with the list."

As they waited, Mr. William's assistant, J. Lora, entered the office. She inquired how she could assist, and Mr. William instructed her to provide the list and data to Hazel and Taewoo. Hazel added, "And also include the information about the workers in this place."

Lora agreed and requested their email addresses to send the information.

After they left Mr. William's office, Hazel couldn't help but comment to Taewoo, "Did you notice the odd behavior of Mr. William's assistant?"

Taewoo responded, "I think they have nothing to help us find the map. The map is likely hidden in a place accessible to a child but not easily decipherable by those using their minds."

Back at Chin's apartment, she received a black-colored letter with a mysterious message:"how does it feel like being at your moms grave every year ,but don't worry next year you will be lying next to her."As she read it, she sensed someone behind her. Her heart skipped a beat, but before she could react, the person stepped in front of her. It was Elly.

Elly playfully exclaimed, "Booooommmmm, I got you! You got scared, right?"

Chin sighed in relief, "Elly, why do you always show up at the wrong time? I wasn't afraid of you; I was afraid of someone else."

Elly noticed the letter in Chin's hand, "What's this? Did Taewoo send you a love letter? How romantic!"

Chin clarified, "No, he didn't send it. Another friend did. But this isn't your concern." She playfully pinched Elly's ear changing the subject, Chin asked, "Did you bring fried chicken for me today?"

Elly grinned, "Of course! How could I forget that? But let's go out and eat."Chin gave her a sidelong glance and agreed.

Before they could leave the apartment, they bumped into Alex. Elly greeted Alex, "Hey, Alex, what are you doing here?"Alex replied, "I came to meet my big monster."Chin asked in surprise, "You guys know each other?"

Elly explained, "Yes, I met him the day you went to the café to meet Taewoo. He came by your place, and since you weren't home, he introduced himself."

Alex chimed in, "Are you guys going somewhere?"

Chin responded, "Not just us, you're coming too. We're going to have dinner together."

As they sat in a café enjoying their meal, Chin and Alex began sharing stories of their childhood. Their conversation was interrupted when Taewoo approached Alex, Ignoring Chin and Elly, Taewoo asked bluntly,"Sorry to interrupt, but are you Mr. Alex?"

Alex nodded, Taewoo continued, his tone leaving no room for questions, "Mr. Alex, you made a call to NIS Korea on June 15th, 2023, from the Blue City Building, regarding the map. Am I right?"