Chapter 19: Game Of Survival

The scene opens with a mysterious girl leaving what seems like a farmhouse. She's dressed in a black hat and a white tracksuit, but her attire is marred by several drops of blood on her tracksuit, mask, and hands. Calmly, she shuts the door behind her, cleans the knife she was carrying, and discreetly disposes of it in a nearby dustbin. She then gets into her car.

The setting shifts to a secluded home in the woods, guarded by several imposing figures. Despite their stern presence, they step aside to allow the girl in the white suit and mask to enter the house. Inside, everything is adorned in shades of black and red, from the wall art to the furniture and even the paint. There's a conspicuous stuffed head of a black cheetah and a bear on one wall.

The girl makes her way into a room where a man is meticulously trimming black roses. The room is shrouded in darkness, making it difficult for a normal person to see. She stands at the doorway, her hands folded and a smirk on her lips.

"You're looking good, man," she remarks casually, taking in the scent of the dark roses.

The man doesn't look up from his task as he asks, "Have you done your work?"

The girl's smirk widens, and she replies, "Oh yes, I now personally feel like a grim reaper."

The man, still focused on the roses, suggests, "Next time, you should go with a gun. It becomes dangerous with a knife."

The girl, gazing at the cutter in the man's hand, responds confidently, "I believe if you have taught me everything, then you must know that I never play the game that is safe. By the way, it was fun killing him with a knife, the way his blood came out of his body like a shower. Some drops even fell on my tracksuit." She points to her white tracksuit, now stained with numerous spots of fresh blood.

The man reflects on her words and admits, "I think you are enjoying your work. I hope you will never get tired." The girl simply nods and exits the room, leaving the man to his task of trimming the roses.

At lunch, Alex and Chin reminisce about their time at the adoption center. Chin brings up a peculiar incident, "Alex, do you remember the time when we were in the adoption center, and you got injured badly?" Alex hesitates but eventually recalls the incident, admitting, "Oh yeah, I remember that. How can I forget that?" Chin presses on, wanting to know more, "What happened that day? Because I don't remember correctly what happened to you."

Alex finally recalls the details and shares, "Oh, leave that thing. I don't want to discuss it." Chin persists, stating, "But I want to know. You said you remember that." Alex, with a hint of embarrassment, finally explains, "No, actually, I think I also have forgotten what happened that day. I just remember I was bleeding badly."

Chin, noticing the change in Alex's memory, becomes concerned, "Alex, I think you've got dementia because I remember you had a very good memory back then, but now look, you sometimes don't remember obvious things." She recounts the incident, saying, "You got badly injured because you fell from the stairs while stopping me from going out in the dark."

Alex laughs, realizing his forgetfulness, "Oh, yeah, now I remember. My bad." Chin playfully gives him a side-eye, saying, "I have one more thing to ask you. That day, you told the detective that you came here to England in December, but you didn't meet me at that time."

Alex explains, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was actually going to tell you about that. I came in December for some documents and was also gathering information about the person you told me about. I was quite busy back then, so I wasn't able to meet you, and it was a short trip."

Chin, slightly taken aback, remarks, "You must have at least told me about that." Alex concedes, "Okay, my little monster, I will take care next time." They both share a light-hearted moment and continue with their meal.

Meanwhile, Taewoo receives a crucial call from his friend, who has successfully traced the burner phone. They've pinpointed the exact location from where the call was made - Mr. William's office. Hazel and Taewoo visit the building, but Miss J. Lura informs them that Mr. William didn't come to the office that day. They obtain his address and reach his place. The door was unlocked, and inside, they discover the lifeless body of Mr. William, a black rose lying on his chest.

Taewoo sits beside the body, a grim realization dawning upon him. "No, this game is not just about a map. The devils are all free now," he remarks. Hazel, alarmed, inquires, "What do you mean by that?" Taewoo, with his chilling, resolute eyes, explains, "Now, all the players who are devils are going to stay, and all others who are innocent are going to die. The reward at the end of the game is the map, but there will be only one survivor. You still have the chance; just quit the game."

Hazel, determined to complete their mission, asserts, "In order to complete our mission, we have to be a part of this bloody stunt. I'm staying here until I find the map." Taewoo investigates the scene, following the bloody footprints left by the killer's sneakers. He finds a knife and more black roses in a nearby dustbin. Taewoo realizes that this is more than just a survival game.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mark is studying his client's case when he receives a call. The voice on the other end first laughs and then says, "Mark, have you ever heard about a lawyer who was murdered in his own office while studying the case of his new client?" Mark, holding a black file in his hand, looks at it warily.

Mark interrupts the caller, advising, "I think you should send someone else. The man hiding behind my office door is holding a gun with limited range. You should at least give him a new gun."

The call abruptly ends, and the man lurking behind Mark's office door starts firing his gun when he realizes there's no one sitting in the chair. As his bullets are wasted, he suddenly feels a gun against his head before he can react. Mark taunts, "You know, my gun has very good range. I could have killed you when you were standing behind the door. But I don't kill the devil hidden behind the door."

He shoots the intruder in both legs, rendering him helpless. The intruder pleads for mercy, realizing that Mark is serious. Mark gives him ten minutes to leave the building, or else he will meet a gruesome fate. The intruder, in pain and terror, flees the scene.

Mark mutters, "Why waste my third bullet when I know he's going to kill you with his own hands? Wild hounds always get killed by their owner."

After taking a shower, Alex hears a knock at his front door. However, when he opens it, there's no one there. Just then, his phone starts ringing, and it's a call from Chin.He answers saying, "My monster, what happened?" Suddenly, he hears a sound from behind him. It's Chin herself, standing there with a smile on her face ,"Alex never used to call me his monster. Someone told you wrong about him. He used to call me little angel."