Earth's Shocking Creatures

My thoughts were aggravated by the intense light that radiated from the dead, grotesque body.

But this time around, I don't jump up in fright or shock. Arching my back downwards, I made my way to pick up the grotesque core.

Picking it up, I could feel that the energy contained within was a little bit stronger and more intense than the first one that I had consumed. I nod my head, "At least I didn't have to risk my life for nothing.

I still gained something," I murmured as I tried to please myself while inspecting the grotesque core in my hands.

Upon calculation, I realized that the grotesque core of this grotesque creature took a little bit like 50 seconds of time to appear, while the first grotesque core that I got had taken a minute to appear.

So if I was correct, the stronger the grotesque is, the shorter the interval of the grotesque core appearance would be.

I made my way to devour the grotesque core, but upon giving it some thought, I decided to keep it for later use.

With a throw, the grotesque core was in the air as it made way for the air, and it also streaked down before one could even realize.

But as though I had anticipated it, which of course for a talented sportsman like me was quite easy. With a flick of my finger, my shirt's pocket was opened wide, with the grotesque core dropping into it.

"At least I still got the hang of my awesome abilities," I murmured as I laughed, making my way to my bedroom.

I decided to also take it as a form of training as I jogged to my bedroom.

But upon second thought, that had really been dangerous for me to go into my bedroom without any equipment of vigilance or a way to keep myself safe or away from the grotesque creature.

That had be considered the same as courting death, I thought as I warned myself to stop my bad habits of always leaving the doors wide open.

After all, if I still maintained such behavior in this kind of era, I wouldn't even know when I would have been sent to meet the lord of hell.

Thinking about dying, I dashed back to the living room. Clang, clang. With a swift movement of mine, the metallic door of the living room was locked, and I nodded my head.

Even a fly would have to make a hell of a noise to pass through it, I sneered. "Stupid monsters," I said as I made my way to my bedroom, which was located upstairs.

On the staircase, I trotted to my bedroom. Reaching the bedroom, I locked the door of my bedroom before finally heaving a sigh of relief.

"Now let's see how you can get to me," with this thought in mind, a smug expression had appeared on my face knowingly or unknowingly.

Realizing I was being a little bit complacent, although I assured myself and was sure that no creature can enter without making a hell of a noise, but in this strange yet familiar world, who can be sure or who would dare to say they didn't exist creatures that can accomplish such a feat? I thought, but reassuring myself that such creatures wouldn't exist, and even if they did exist, I would be the last person such creatures would think of attacking or killing.

Right, I thought, as I calmed myself from too much fear or anxiety. "Sigh! When wouldn't I get high blood pressure from all this stress?" I murmured as I shook my head, clearing away any distracting thoughts.

I made my way to my laptop room located in another small room at the right-hand side of my bedroom.

Well, it would be more appropriate to call it a computer room, after all, not only was my laptop but also other computer kinds of stuff could be found in the room. Opening the room which I hadn't entered for quite some time, the only thing that helped the room could be said to be the air conditioner that was always on, at a moderately acceptable level.

Not giving myself any chance of forgetting, I also locked the computer room. Clang, Clang. The sound of the door being locked rang out. "Aaah," I took in a deep breath as I exhaled, with my laptop on the table or desk, whichever it could be called, since it was basically a table but had the shape of a desk.

I couldn't be bothered to think about that, never, not yesterday and not today.

Opening the laptop, seeing the welcome sign, it has been a long time, I murmured as I typed in my password in the password section.

After filling the password section, with a light tap of my index finger, the enter button was tapped. The laptop has been unlocked. Tapping on the internet search button, I searched for: World News.

I knew the World News would give me the answers that I seek. All would be answered by the Website known as World News or The News. They were given the name, The News, by fans and people who loved their information.

If you were looking for the most reliable, most interesting, most viral, most incredible news, then you had no one or place to run to except for the website World News.

As for who created the group, no one knows, and I doubt anyone really cares, as long as they can get good and reliable facts and information, who would care about one hidden or mysterious owner? "World news," I tapped on the search button.

I tapped on the section Viral News.

= Viral News =

I decided to watch the reporter's show, so I could be more assured of the information that I would get.

For this would be a big influence on how my future days on this strange yet familiar Earth.

Not quite long, it hasn't really reached a day. We have just found out that the Earth as we know it isn't the Earth that we know of. Well, everything is still the same, but scientists have discovered a piece of shocking and perplexing news. Earth was expanding.

Yeah, you heard that right. Earth was expanding and not only it has been found out, or more appropriate to say, it has been known to the whole world that there are strange creatures such as grotesque, plague zombies, and even more shocking vampires and werewolves that also exist.

They aren't just myths, the reporter said as his eyes were filled with shock and surprise.

He also couldn't believe it; even all his thoughts of trying to hide his surprise were blown away.

A vivid big pay sign had appeared; the signal had been blocked.

I knew that to continue or know what had happened next, I had to pay. Without delaying, I quickly paid the amount required, even though it had taken almost half of the wealth I had with me. I still gritted my teeth as I paid, "I have to survive," I murmured, and to survive, the first and most important thing in this strange yet familiar world was without a doubt information.

With a resolute gaze, I tapped on the enter button. As I got my chance to see the rest of the information, at the cost of half of my wealth.