Foodsens: Perfect Score!

Lily stood in the kitchen, awaiting the arrival of the Foodsens creature. The Foodsens creatures were lovers of food and admirers of great food artwork. A worthy chef is worthy of being protected by the Foodsens. As long as your food still captivates and inspires great joy and love for it, then surely this miraculous and wonderful creature of nature, The Foodsens Creatures, will surely worship and heed your beck and call. You shall be revered; you shall be protected. But it all depends on your food always being able to keep them interested; your food taste must never lose to any other food that they might ever encounter or take into their mouths.

So now, Lily's first quest of survival begins. Is her food enough to keep the Foodsens occupied? Would her food be enough to captivate and intoxicate the Foodsens? Well, we might as well find out.