Plan to Defeat The Crackoile.

Seething with what is known as great fury and anger.

The Crackoile was truly enraged.

How dare the stupid human and Krimxis call him a stupid and low level animal.

That was the greatest insult he had ever gotten in his life.


With anger, he raised his head torwards the Krimxis.

"That's it, Krimxis, and you, facing Aven. Two of you are done for," the Crackoile said as it dashed forward. With a leap, he had already arrived in front of the Krimxis. Throwing a punch out, the air whizzed as a power-packed punch was about to land on the Krimxis' face. If it indeed landed on the Krimxis' face, that wouldn't be a good thing, for sure. But, of course, the Krimxis wouldn't allow that to happen.