Hope I won't become beast food

Moving stealthily across the misty and shadowy veil of darkness.


The sound of his fangs forcefully and clamping down on his left hand rang out, as blood gushed out in huge quantity, as abundant crimson golden blood flowed out of his hand, crimson gold blood dripped slowly.

His brows furrowed seemingly in great concentration and that of immense mental focus and self-awareness to tap into the awakened Mirac, Blood Manipulation, as he figured out that kinda' deepening his connection with his own blood was the first and a very important procedure for a better and long-lasting effect.

Concentration on the rhythmic flow within their veins, and the subtle pulses that course through his circulatory system.

Entering a kind of meditative state, and luckily enough his presence was abounded and abundant also at the same time shrouded thin and unnoticed in the the shadowy darkness as he himself is ShaDark.