Possibility of The Existence Of A Humongous Creature


His face calm and Tranquil, yet he was filled with great joy and happiness, a feeling that seemed familiar and was supposed to be familiar, yet had now felt kinda' strange.


Seems that I am deviating further and further onto the devil's path.

Aven murmured,

I am happy, elated and filled with joy.


The one, one and only reason I am filled with joy is due to the fact that I have not only discovered and understood the primal instinct of all creatures, but i have also gone further on his path torwards survival.

Aven thought, answering the questions he had aksed np one but himself, maybe out of joy, happiness.

Who truly knows.

As he knew for sure and without a doubt, that no matter how wicked, shameless or righteous he had to be, as long as it would mean and pronounce his survival.

Then all was right, and he woukd truly follow it to the end.