3 Kills! 5 More To Go.

The loud thud made by the fallen carapace didn't seem to escape the ears of the remaining Mirac Stormshell Crabs.

As the loud and harsh landing against the ground made it clear that someone among them had fallen.

They weren't fools and so were able to deduce such a fact.

Although filled with anger yet with hope.

But with their visions impaired, making them unable to see or even perceive not only their environment or surroundings but worst still,

They couldn't locate each other.

And in such a situation, that is nothing but standing beside death itself.

Almost on instinct, they all made some weird noises at the same time, as though trying to pass across some pretty important information among themselve.

But of course they failed, and poorly at that to.

As their voice seemed to be drowned by the veil of darkness, shrouding and enshroading even the passage of information.

As it seemed that it had become a barrier of sort.