The Dragon's Return.

Within the veil of Darkness.

Everywhere in sight could be seen covered in blood, the whole ground stained with blood.

Making one wonder which pitiful creature had lost such huge amount of blood, and... Is the creature still alive.

That would be the thought on one's mind.

Lying on the ground, the Mirac Stormshell Crab seemed to have lost the dim within Its eyes, it had lost the will to fight, the will to survive.

All that could be seen right now within Its eyes, was surprisingly...the will to die.

All the pain that it had gone through had broken it into pieces, Its willpower shattered into Fragments, to forever remain broken.

Blood flowed out of its carapace in huge quantity, if one hadn't seen the scene truly.

One wouldn't be able to believe that one could bleed to such an extent and still remain alive.