3 Valuable Information.

Aven taking a look torwards Merlyna realized that she didn't seem to be doing quite well.

But yet strangely, she didn't make use of her miracles.

Making him wonder what it could be.

Taking a deep intake of breath before releasing it, he removed the intense aura and ShaDark energy being released by him.

A smile spread across prince von Draculus face.


Seems that you are truly in love.

He shook his head, as though an old man that had gone through countless perils of life.

As a vampire with heightened emotions, I don't really blame you.

He further added.

A vampire with heightened emotions, is he trying to imply that he doesn't have his emotions heightened.

Aven had this thought, as that doesn't seem to be possible, as every and all vampires had their emotions heightened.

Either a normal vampire or an original vampire.

Anyways, I know you can't understand.