The Source Of Light!

Aven gave a deep and heavy sigh.

At least I won't be attached by it if I don't cross my boundaries.

Aven said, comforting himself.


Seems that I don't have any other choice.

Aven murmured, collapsing onto the floor...huh...grassland.

Well the eeire dark evil grasses to be precise.

The grass gave a kind of intention as though to just pierce through his heart, but he could feel that there seemed to be something within him that made them to be filled with so much dread torwards him.

And that dread, seemed to have become some sort of reverence.

The evil grasses seemed to be filled with reverence torwards him.

Aven perceiving this emotion, gave an 'huh,' sound, showing the surprise he had felt upon discovering such a fact.


Seems that I will be staying with you guys for quite some time.

Aven murmured, his eyes staring at the endless pitch dark sky.

No sun, no moon, no stars no light