Legendary Tree Treant

The myraids of leaves as though hearing the order they needed, suddenly dashed forth with blazinh speed.

Arriving before the ghastly entity in mere breaths of time.

The tip of the tree leaves pierced through the air, as they made way to pierce through the ghastly entity.

The ghastly entity suddenly moved.


His speed akin to lightning, he moved with blazing fast speed.

Arriving in front of the tree entities, itsdim dark eyes shub with an eerie bizarre glint.

Without wasting any time, it struck down with immense force.

Threatening to rip the tree entities alive.

The myraid of trees sensing this imminent danger suddenly moved in a snarky manner, revolving around the sword, seeing this opportunity.

They pierced forth from behind the ghastly entity, who suddenly made a 360 turn into the air, his sword revolving with him, he became akin to a rampaging shredder.