Aven In Control

Piercing through the air, akin to a falling meteor.

One that wouldn't show mercy on Its adversary.

Well a meteor doesn't really show mercy either.

As neither would the great combatant, the ghastly entity give up on such an opportunity to devastate Its adversary.

It pierced through the air at a rapid speed, plummeting downwards.

As it suddenly did something that resembled...magic to Aven.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

The ghastly entity suddenly stretched out Its arm, as a weird bizarre sword suddenly appeared within Its hands.


The tree treant collided with the ground, as it seemed to finally have a moment to catch Its breath.

But Aven knew that wasn't the case.

As the ghastly entity had miraculously summoned Its sword to appear within its hands.

As Aven had an 'o,' shape mouth suddenly appearing on his face.

Now you have got to be kidding me.