The Evil Monarch

Aven felt as though he had indeed returned to the primal age.

Everything, the surroundings, the creatures all match the features of a primal age.

And Aven truly hoped that isn't the case.

The three creatures along with Aven who is being carried by one of them to god knows where.

Aven was filled with various thoughts, as he couldn't seem to get what was even going on.

He could see that the creatures within their caves were all staring at him as though they had never seen someone like him before, well that might make sense considering the fact that not only did he look too human he was also sent back into the primal age by some drowsy stuff or whatever it even is.

Yet Aven felt like that wasn't the case, after all that shouldn't be able to send him back into the primal age, the first age recorded by humanity.


Why bother stressing myself.

Aven thought, as the three creatures suddenly entered a big cave.