Let Go; Will Destroyer!

He truly is worthy of being a High Grade Hell Prince Candidate.

The Ancient Colossal creature said, gazing through the mirror.

But yet, I think you can still do better.

Kid, let's see how far you can go.

Can you surpass my expectations of you or will you let this lord...down.

The Ancient Colossal creature further added, a smile sorrad on his face.

Then let's wait and see which one it is then.

The Ancient Colossal creature further added.

Aven gave a bright smile, cutting the two front legs of the Ancient Monster.

A bright smile was still vivid on his face.

He dashed forth with remarkable speed, whizzing through the air.

He arrived behind the Ancient Monster, his eyes shun with a crimson golden glow.

He brandished his large sword, as he slashed forth with great speed and precise movements.
