Giving Her A Name

Aven thought within his mind.

Not to talk of the fact that despite just being an original.

Even the ones spoken of in myths won't be or aren't even his match.

He is just that dangerous.

Okay now that wr have everything settled.

Why don't you take a nice bathe. Aven said nicely, while carrying her into a princess carry.

He Jumoed into the water, bringing out a tumbling sound and a splash of water.

Standing behind her, inside the Serene pond.

The calm water soothing their flawless skin...well except Aven who had various runes on his body.

Wait a minute. Doesn't she see the runes on my body.

Aven had this thought, since she didn't seem to talk about it, and that was almost impossible for a girl.

If one thing linguistics has proved for certain. That would be the high curious nature of girls.

And since she didn't ask or say anything about it. He was more inclined to believe that she didn't see it.