Who Has The Upper Hand!

Holding the Battle seed in his paws. The Emperor waved his hands as it suddenly dissapeared out of sight. This is indeed enough to allow a low level bloodline Ancient Monster kill the youngest prince.

He immediately moved towards the advisor. As he carried him and with a thought from him.

A portal of sort appeared in front of him and he immediately entered. Entering the portal. He was directed to a land that flourished with trees, grasses and leaves. Light rays illuminated this land. Yet this light seemed to be a sort of weakness. The Emperor could feel his strength rapidly declining. After all Ancient Monsters like them weren't compatible with loght. Seeing hos weak he was, even finding it heard to kepp up the teleportation while carrying the advisor.

He couldn't help but be surprised. Although he wasn't supposed to be compatible with light. But for his strength to decrease by this much just because he entered the land.