A New Postion

"You are giving me a chance to train?" Bella blinked as she had not thought it would be needed. But Rafael was serious when he forced her to stand among the trainees.

"Vampires have strength and power yet they train to fight better. Sometimes their strength is not enough to fight for witches. Now that you are one of us, you need to be strong." his fingers moved from her shoulders to her back until they stopped on her hips.

"You are fit but you are not versed with weapons, I suppose." When she shifted her weight and looked away, a smirk adorned his face.

He looked at Gael, one of the trainers of the army and pointed at Bella.

"Start with archery. In a month I want her trained in every weapon. Pay no leniency, she had to learn the hard way like others." The man bowed and showed his teeth to Bella. She looked at the man with narrowed eyes but Rafael turned to look at her, she looked nervous and worried.