
Damien frowned when he could not feel the presence of Gael anymore. It was possible that the vampire was too far away that his smell had faded. He looked for witches, but he did not find any. As if they have disappeared for the night. 

Grumbling, he tried to trace Bella but surprisingly he could not find her either. 

"Where the hell did they go?" he stopped at the path where he had left Bella and looked around. The village was so calm but he could feel an ominous silence there. 

If only he could hide his eyes from them. They were looking at him with wariness so he could not even question them.

With a task, he stopped a child. "There, child. Do you want this?" He took out a gold coin and passed it to the child. The child had never seen such a coin. But its brightness told the child that it was a rare treasure. He nodded but shook his head once making Dami chuckle.