In Love

"Everyone will walk in pairs. No one will leave the hand of each other. And follow us silently. If you have any problem, you will come and tell me or sister Bella. You will not go by yourself solving it. Did you hear that?" Missus Blake warned as the kids made a pair. They were wearing their best clothes. Dressed in white or blue with their hair properly combed or braided. Each of them holding a flower in their hands. 

"And you.. You are not going to crack jokes like last time or flirt with the nuns, not even younger ones, Carl." she glared at the young man who had recently reached adulthood. He was the oldest resident of this house beside herself. Though she loved him as his mother, she still could not digest that the obedient boy had grown up as a flirting young man.

Carl gasped and covered his mouth with his hands, faking shock.