The combination of Adebayo and Walcott

"Hello, Sir , do you have any special meaning in letting Alexander wear the No. 11 jersey? Is he the new Robin van Persie you are looking for? Have you not gotten over the pain of Van Persie leaving?"

  "Alexander, did you choose this number yourself or was it given to you by the coach?"

  "Alexander, Van Persie scored 10 goals in his first season at Arsenal. How many do you think he can score?"

I have to say that many problems are pitfalls.

  For example, Robin van Persie scored 10 goals in his first season at Arsenal, but he played a full season and participated in 41 games. Alexander joined halfway now. If the frequency of appearances is the same, then his number of games At least half less.

  As for the 2.75 million pounds, that was 2.75 million pounds in 2004. How can it be compared with the current 2.8 million pounds?

  Facing this kind of scene for the first time, it was impossible to say that he wasn't nervous, but Alexander could at least answer everyone's questions calmly and with a smooth voice.

  "No. 11 was chosen by me, and it was also what the professor wanted me to wear, because I happened to be wearing the No. 11 jersey when he watched me play, and he hoped that I could continue my luck in that game."

  "It's hard to predict how many goals I will score. I can only say that I will play every minute seriously. Team victory comes first, and personal goals come second."

  The answers were quite satisfactory, and the reporters were somewhat disappointed, but Alexander under the spotlight seemed to have some kind of aura, and people couldn't help but be attracted to him. Some people actually applauded this boring answer, which made people on the sidelines applaud. Wenger felt that these people were crazy.

  This damn face-based world.

  When it comes to himself, the answer is actually similar, basically what everyone can expect.

  "Alexander is not someone new, he is who he is, and he has the potential to become a great striker… The transfer fee has no special meaning. If possible, I hope to sign him for 2.8 pounds, but obviously, Ray Ding disagrees… We signed Alexander because he is the player we need now, and it has nothing to do with other factors…"

  After the interview, it was the usual time to show off his skills.

  After all, he has received six years of professional training, so it is natural that he can show off his beauty skills.

  In this way, Alexander officially became a member of Arsenal.

  At this time, Arsenal was in the 17th year of the Arsene Wenger era. In the club's honor book, there were 13 English Football League championships, 3 Premier League championships, 10 FA Cup championships, and two League Cup championships. , 12 Charity Shield championships, 1 European Cup Winners' Cup championship – it seems quite brilliant, but the last time they won the championship honor was a distant 8 years ago.

  Who knows how gun fans have gotten through these past eight years.

  After attending the press conference, I was just in time for the afternoon training.

  Assistant coach Steve Bould was instructing the players to warm up. When he saw Wenger and Alexander approaching, he immediately went to greet them.

  "Let me see who gave my boys ten goals." He looked at Alexander seriously. "I remember you. I told Cox at that time that you should go to Hollywood, where the best It's the best place for you, but it seems like you didn't accept my suggestion."

  Bold was one of the famous five veterans of Arsenal's defense during his playing days. He made countless contributions to the Gunners. He has been working at Arsenal since his retirement. He just started working as an assistant coach for Wenger last year. Before that, He has been Arsenal's youth team coach, training young talents such as Wilshere, Gnabry, and Bellerin. He led Arsenal U18 to win the 2009 FA Youth Cup and won 2 U18 league champion.

  Basically, most youth team coaches will have some impression of a mixed-race face like Alexander, and Boulder is naturally no exception.

  Alexander stretched out his hand to shake his hand, "Compared to the Hollywood Golden Globe Awards, I am more interested in the FIFA Golden Globe Awards."

  "A forward should be so confident. I already like you a little bit," Bould said. "Now, go to the locker room and change your clothes, and then come back and introduce yourself to everyone."

  Wenger said: "No, he has to go to Tony's place first, and leave your show of force until the day after tomorrow."

  The Tony the professor refers to is not the teacher Tony who gave the haircut, but the physical coach Tony Colbert.

  His responsibility is to monitor the physical health and physical condition of the players, and in addition to guide the first team's injured players to conduct recovery training, but his main job today is to guide Alexander to complete the physical test.

  "Okay, then we will hold a welcome ceremony for you the day after tomorrow," Boulder shrugged regretfully, "What do you think of a fierce intra-squad match?"

  "I wish for it," Alexanderdao said, "but why not tomorrow?"

  "It seems like you haven't seen our schedule, otherwise you wouldn't be saying that," Bold said, "because tomorrow we have to face bloody Liverpool."

  Alexander's words were surprising: "Then I suggest you take me with you, even if you put me on the bench…"

  Both of them were shocked by his shamelessness. Boulder stared at him again and again, "Are you really an Rookie?"

  "Yeah, actually."

  "As someone who has experienced it, I have to give you a piece of advice. It's best to make your debut against a less powerful opponent, because that way it's less likely to be embarrassing…"

  Alexander just smiled and did not argue with him.

  Saying goodbye to Boulder, Alexander reported to physical coach Tony Colbert.

  The old man also looked him up and down, then nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, you don't seem to need to lose weight or gain muscle."

  "If possible, I would still like to add some muscle to make myself look more like a tough guy."

  Colbert looked at his ridiculously beautiful face and nodded in agreement again, "Don't worry, I'm professional in this area, but before that, we need to collect some data…"

  In addition to the most basic ones such as height, weight, and body fat percentage, physical fitness, speed, jumping, flexibility, etc. were all tested. After a few rounds, Alexander was completely exhausted.

  After getting the final result, Colbert immediately found Wenger excitedly.

  Wenger was instructing the players in tactical drills. One look at his expression showed that things were not simple. He waved his hand to signal everyone to move freely, and then took Alexander's physical test results from Colbert.

  Boulder joked: "I haven't seen you look like this in a long time, Tony, it looks like we won the lottery?"

  "Of course, a combination of Adebayo and Walcott," Colbert thought for a moment, "or maybe Robin?"


  Adebayor, nicknamed Little Monster in the world, has long since taken off his Gunners jersey, but he can almost be regarded as one of Arsenal's strongest players in the Arsene Wenger era;

  Theo Walcott, the only male silver the Great Saint Bear has admitted to be faster than him;

  Robin Van Persie is world-famous for his shooting skills, but when it comes to physical fitness, his flexibility of movement can be ranked first in the world with Ibrahimovic, or at least the first among all forwards currently in service.

  Wenger flipped through the paper in his hand, staring at his shortcomings like a master, "My physical fitness is average, my flexibility can only be considered above average, and my speed is still a bit slower than Theo…"

  Boulder said: "What do you mean by a little slower?"

  "If Theo is a cheetah," Colbert replied, "then Alexander is a tiger."


  Bold was speechless for a while, looking at Wenger's thoughtful expression, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Arsena, you don't really want to take this child with you tomorrow, do you?"

  Of course it's impossible for others, but for an old man who dares to let a 21-year-old be the captain, it doesn't seem to be a new operation.

  Wenger was indeed tempted for a moment, but he quickly shook his head and shook the impulse out of his mind.

  Not to mention that the roster has already been decided, even if it has not been decided, it is impossible for him to let a newcomer who has not practiced with the team for a minute to immediately play in such an important game.

  "Impulse is the devil. Impulse is the devil…"

  And not only tomorrow's game, but also the intra-squad match that was just agreed upon the day after tomorrow is gone.

  Because Arsenal encountered the FA's shitty schedule again: they will play Liverpool on January 31st, and they will play Stoke City again on February 2nd.

  Three days of double matches and a shitty training schedule.

  The next day, Alexander not only did not enter the competition list, he did not even go to the competition site, but was busy moving.

  He was not yet eighteen years old and could not rent a house by himself. As a rule, he could only stay at a fan's home or live in a dormitory. Alexander chose the latter without any hesitation.

  As a result, when I arrived at the dormitory, I discovered that almost all the neighbors were players from the Arsenal youth team, the same group that I had beaten that day…

  The scene was a little embarrassing for a while, but nothing bloody happened.

  Most of the young men in the youth team admire and admire this "genius" who stepped on them and soared to the sky. They are all polite when they meet, which is why that style is not popular here, otherwise the glasses will be full of wine when drinking. You have to press down half a meter.

  Due to the hectic schedule, the first team basically plays today, rests tomorrow, plays the day after tomorrow, and rests the day after tomorrow. They have to go without seeing anyone for at least four days, so Wenger simply threw Alexander to the youth team to get used to Arsenal's football. Environment.

  The boys in the youth team were also holding their breath and wanted to take revenge for that day. As a result, before the training match was over, the coach pushed him aside to play by himself.

  They originally thought that this episode was going to be about "The fake genius is revealed, and the gunmen are revenged", but they didn't expect that what they ended up showing was "Someone Alexander attacked with dimensionality reduction, and kicked a little friend"…

  And with Arsenal and Liverpool tied 2-2 in the Premier League, time has also entered February.

  "At 0:00 on February 1, London time, the 2012/13 Premier League winter transfer window officially closed.

  On the deadline day, the biggest deal was Balotelli's transfer from Manchester City to AC Milan.

  Although the news of Barcelona joining AC Milan has long been confirmed, the Rossoneri officially announced the signing of the contract with him on the transfer deadline. According to previous media reports, the transfer fee for Barcelona was 23 million euros and the contract period was four years. Year and a half…

  Manchester United, another team in Manchester, also only played but failed to score, and the players they played were substitutes and reserve players who couldn't play.

  Liverpool spent 15 million to dig out Chelsea striker Sturridge. At the same time, midfielder Shaheen, who had done nothing under Rodgers, returned to his old club Dortmund in frustration.

  While Chelsea sold Sturridge, they also hired Demba Ba from Newcastle to fill the gap. However, the focus of the Blues throughout the winter transfer period was not on this, but on the two meritorious players Lampard and Ash. Leigh Cole's contract extension, both of their contracts expire this summer. Now, Ashley Cole has received a new contract, but the departure of Lampard, who has just become the second-leading scorer in team history and has the opportunity to set a new record this season, is almost inevitable.

  It is worth mentioning that Arsenal, in addition to cleaning up the two substitutes Shamark and Djurou, they also made certain reinforcements.

  First, Monreal was hired from La Liga Malaga for 8.5 million, followed by Alexander, a youth team player from Reading for 2.8 million. An investment of 11 million is rare in Arsenal's history.

  Alexander scored ten goal in a youth team game three days ago and conquered the Scouts who were watching the game. No one knows whether this transaction will be another of Wenger's masterpieces or God will mess with him. A good-natured joke…"

  Regarding the fact that Wenger bought another little monster, the whole world said that it was no longer strange.

  As we all know, Wenger loves Shota.

  But is this really the case?

  Is there really a coach who would not like a plug-and-play superstar, but rather spend a lot of time and energy developing a young man who is full of uncertainty?

  Reality is not a game. Cultivating is a great sense of achievement, but the price is not something ordinary people can bear.

  It's not like those famous black shops that make a living from human trafficking. Everything is done out of necessity.

  It has been eight and a half seasons since the Emirates Stadium started construction in 2004. Over the past eight years, the Manchester City duo, the Red Devils, the Blues, and even Tottenham, which is known for being stingy, have spent more than £100m and where is the Gunners?

  £24 million.

  While other wealthy clubs are worrying about what kind of decoration they should use for their new villas, Arsenal are still busy paying off their mortgages, and they don't have provident funds.

  The salary plan formulated by the board of directors in 2004 made Arsenal the team that invested the least in the transfer market in the past eight years. After transactions, the average net expenditure per season was less than 3 million pounds.

  In addition to being picky, it was mainly because of poverty: from 2006 to 2010, Arsenal repaid a total of 258 million in loans.

  As for where the money came from, everyone knows.

  Vieira, Henry, Gallas, Fabregas, Van Persie…

  Every captain is in tears.