I only wanted a pirated version, but got a top-quality one

Neuer in front of Lahm and Boateng behind him shouted at the same time almost at the same time.


  Although Ram didn't know what happened, a familiar fear of being dominated by fate suddenly appeared out of nowhere, making him shiver involuntarily.

  He caught up with the football and was about to kick it to Neuer when a black shadow suddenly covered him…

  "Bordowski made a mistake in passing the ball, and Lahm kicked the ball…Alexander!? Oooh, Alexander forced an overtake, snatched the football from Lahm, and headed towards Neuer!"

  Alexander rushed to Ram's side like an armored off-road vehicle, knocked him off the intended track, and then took the ball away with a stab of his foot.

  Ram was stunned for a moment, then immediately fell to the ground and shoveled from behind.

  Even if you try the red dot set meal, you will be able to keep people behind!

  This kick was quite rude, it could be said that it was aimed at Alexander's feet.

  Ram is a well-known good man. He has never received a red card since his debut, let alone such an intentional foul that was clearly aimed at someone's leg.

  Being able to break through such a huge defense shows how much Alexander's trick hurt him.

  Unfortunately, he overestimated the length of his legs…

  In his confused move, Alexander had already rushed several meters away, and his vicious tackle out of anger just barely hit Alexander's heel.

  Alexander was indeed affected, but not much. He staggered and then attacked Neuer vigorously.

  Neuer almost chose to attack the moment he saw Alexander running towards Ram. When Alexander passed the ball to the line of the small penalty area, the distance between the two was already very close.

  Neuer fiercely pounced on the football at Alexander's feet, while Alexander raised his foot to hit the goal quite confidently and decisively.

  It was still a delicate shot that was quite inconsistent with his temperament. The football rolled quickly from Neuer's feet and crossed the Bayern Munich goal amidst the cheers and screams of the audience.

  "GOAL!!!!! Alexander copied Fernando Torres' classic moment! He used his speed and body to eat Ram alive, and then used a low shot to break the goal guarded by Neuer again! To be precise, it was the first goal guarded by Neuer. Three times! Yes, you heard that right, this kid scored a hat-trick in his first Champions League game!!!"

  "…Be careful with the flying shovel from behind! Fortunately, it was just a touch, and the ball went in with a single stroke!! It's Alexander again! He came out of nowhere and became famous in one battle! Kill one person in ten steps, and leave no trace behind in a thousand miles!"

  Alexander rushed to the sideline the moment the football crossed the goal line.

  His teammates caught up from behind, and someone pushed him hard. Alexander fell forward and fell to the ground. After rolling twice, he simply sat on the ground with his arms around his shoulders and his legs crossed, looking at him with a Helpless look on his face. He was facing his own camera.

  His close-up appeared on the screen.

  With super good looks + "heartthrob" + the bonus of life's highlight moments, Alexander was so dazzling at this moment that he blinded the aluminum alloy eyes of many people.

  "I announce that the new generation of the most handsome football player is born! What a damn sight!"

  "Torres fans sent congratulatory messages."

  "Dort fans sent congratulatory messages."

  "The Reading fans gave a teary thumbs up."

  "Reading? Damn it, I almost forgot, where is their coach? Why don't you come out and take a few steps?"

  Reading fans are now sending the warmest greetings to their coach Brian McDermott, with the kind of greetings their ancestors have for more than ten generations.

  There is no doubt that Alexander is now a super genius in their eyes. The reason why he has remained unknown is of course because the coach is blind.

  So not only McDermott, but Reading youth training director Cox also received all kinds of extremely sincere confessions of love.

  But unlike McDermott, who is not afraid of boiling water, Cox is determined not to take the blame.

  He felt that everything was the fault of Alexander, a bad boy.

  This fucking kid is so insidious. After practicing silently in Reading, a place where no shit is available, he deliberately chose the day when Wenger was watching the game to cause trouble. Otherwise, with his keen eyes, he would not have missed such a monster.

  This was of course a conspiracy theory, but he didn't know that this theory had a huge market.

  The Bayern captain was still sitting on the ground with a look of despair on his face.

  "Killing is so heartbreaking! What method you use is not good, but you use this method to rub salt into other people's wounds. It's too cruel!"

  "Let me tell you something, Alexander is indeed very similar to Tuo Niu in his peak period. His impact and shooting skills are both top-notch. The most important thing is that he is very handsome."

  "Okay, okay, let's stop trying to get the best guard. Alexander will be like Drogba."

  "This is obviously Buddy's template, right?"

  "This is even more outrageous. Have you ever seen Barty who can't shoot from a long distance?"

  "It's just that I haven't taken a long shot yet, it's not that I can't."

  "Ibrahimovic: If you want to put it that way, I think I also see the shadow of myself when I was young…"

  "What a crazy situation? A large-scale family recognition scene? This building is getting more and more crooked."

  The Internet is in full swing and there are all kinds of inexplicable topics. It's much simpler on the spot. All you have to do is call Alexander like crazy.

  As soon as Alexanderg stood up, a system prompt rang in his ears.

  "Congratulations on completing the second main task: the strongest debut in the history of the Champions League.

  The reward has been distributed, please check it carefully. "

  Alexander finished celebrating in a hurry, opened the system interface immediately, and received the mission reward.

  Because of his popularity, he thought that the characteristics he got this time would be nonsense like a movie star (Busquets' only one) or a thinker (Balotelli's only one), but he didn't expect it to appear in his own world. In front of him was Robin Van Persie, who was rising into the air and volleying.

  "Characteristics: Beautiful volley (unique)."

  That's it, make a lot of money this time!

  Just when he was adding another artifact to his arsenal, Bayern kicked off the ball quickly.

  Alexander pounced forward bravely again.

  Unfortunately, by the end of the game, he had only a thin stamina left. Such pressing had no effect, and instead consumed his remaining stamina in vain.

  But looking at Alexander like this, both Hodgson and Wenger nodded happily.

  In fact, there is no shortage of outstandingly talented Owen, Rooney, and Bale in major youth training camps. Some of them are fast, some are skilled, and some are imaginative. Anyway, they have never been in the birthplace of modern football. There is a lack of football talent, but there are not many players who can really catch the eye of scouts, and even fewer top league and national team coaches.

  Putting aside other factors, just looking at their performance on the defensive end can make people feel inseparable.

  This type of player will basically not fight back after losing the ball. They usually take a few symbolic steps back or simply stand there and complain, let alone let them actively fight like a defender.

  A common problem of genius.

  He has nothing but cares about the world, as if the whole world revolves around him.

  Therefore, the "genius" Alexander in their eyes seemed so out of place.

  Regardless of whether he did not distribute his physical strength well or was born with poor physical fitness, these coaches have the confidence to slowly train him, but they can only learn attitude.

  That means the substitution quota has been used up, otherwise Wenger would have replaced Alexander now.

  Alexander reluctantly accepted the fact that he could no longer run, and no longer tried to show off, but instead honestly acted as a pest in Bayern's penalty area.

  He was obviously paddling, but Bayern's defenders were frightened. Except for Lahm who hid far away, Boateng continued to stay close to him. Alaba and Van Buyten were also watching eagerly from both sides.

  "Five minutes of stoppage time, the two sides entered the final competition! If the game ends with this score, it will undoubtedly be more beneficial to Bayern Munich, because they have three precious away goals. Of course, for Arsenal, this is Regardless of the outcome of the game, they have already won because they unearthed the biggest treasure."

  "Wenger has once again proved his vision. We believe that with his guidance and help, young Alexander will have a bright future and great… Ouch! Look at this ball! Robben and Walcott Speeded up on the wing!"

  Robben and Walcott are both top-notch wingers in today's football, but they are both offensive players. In fact, there is nothing to watch in a one-on-one duel, but when they turn the football field into a sprint When the speed and passion are on the track, the attraction is quite objective.

  Robben took the ball and ran all the way, leaving everyone far away. Only Walcott steadily kept up with him.

  The two were entangled until they reached the bottom line and still couldn't decide the winner. Robben could only stop, made two quick changes in a row and swung Walcott backwards, and hit the ball in front of the goal with a long pass.

  Everyone is focused on football.

  Mandzukic barely jumped up under the force of Koscielny, and only his scalp barely touched the football.

  The football changed direction slightly and flew to the right side of the goal.

  Just as he was about to hit the inside of the goal post, Szczesny suddenly struck the ball aside with one hand like a divine help.

  The football bounced, and the elusive Muller suddenly appeared next to him like a ghost, volleying without hesitation.



  Two consecutive sounds, one was the sound of Muller hitting the football, and the other was the sound of the football hitting Vermaelen.

  "Robben passed the ball, Mandzukic headed the goal, Szczesny made the ultimate save! The crisis was not over, Muller's shot was blocked by Vermaelen with his body! Mertesacker made a big kick! Arsenal made a save! Escape from death!"

  Bayern's series of attacks tortured all the Gunners fans to death, and they breathed a sigh of relief only when the football fell to Rosicky's feet.

  Rosicky parked the ball and did not rush to counterattack. Instead, he pulled the ball and turned to face his own goal before knocking the ball back to Wilshere.

  Walcott had galloped back to midfield, shouting for the ball.

  Wilshere quickly knocked the ball over.

  This time it was Walcott's turn to run with the ball, with Robben chasing after him.

  It was almost a repeat of the attack and defense just now, except that Walcott's physical strength was also almost exhausted, and he did not have Robben's breakthrough skills. After bringing the ball to the wing of Bayern's penalty area, he could only pass the ball in the direction of the goal in a hurry. .

  This kick is not so much a cross as it is a clearance.

  The football flew across half of the field and landed on the other side of the penalty area.

  Just as he was about to hit the boundary, Arshavin suddenly rushed forward and stopped the ball lightly.

  Araba could only greet him.

  Podolski and Wilshere rushed into the penalty area, and Jenkinson, who came forward with an assist, also crossed from the wing to Bayern's goal.

  Alexander slowly walked out of the penalty area and brought Boateng out.

  His feet felt as heavy as lead. This was the last thing he could do for his teammates.

  All eyes fell on Arshavin and Araba.

  It took two rounds for the two people named A to decide the winner.

  The Russian Tsar was superior. After shaking continuously, he deceived Alaba's center of gravity and sent the ball to the Bayern goal with a long pass.

  Podolski, Van Buyten, Jenkinson and Lahm jumped together. Seeing that the football was about to fall into the middle of them, Neuer suddenly rushed in and pushed the ball away with one palm.

  Everyone's eyes followed the football.

  The football drew a parabola with very small fluctuations and landed at the top of Bayern's penalty area.

  Javi Martinez happened to be standing on the line of the penalty area and ran over to prepare for a big-footed clearance.

  But Boateng's roar came to my ears: "Be careful!"

  Alexander, who was like a dead fish just now, suddenly came back to life with full health after seeing the football fall, and ran over without thinking.

  This is the biggest difference between football and basketball. The basketball court is small and the transition between offense and defense is quick. Once the physical strength reaches the bottom, the player is almost useless, but football has time for the players to slowly recover, even if there is only a gap of one or two minutes, it is enough. The players held back a hint of explosive physical strength.

  In fact, not only Boateng, but almost all Bayern fans in the audience were shouting along.

  "Damn it, he's here again!"

  "Watch out for the Redhead!"

  "Don't let him touch the ball!"

  Boateng not only uses his words, he also uses his hands!

  But when he put his hand on Alexander's shoulder, he felt like he was pulling a tank.

  Boateng, who is over 1.9 meters tall, is certainly not a weakling. Unfortunately, Alexander was too fast, and he had already broken away from his pull before he could use his strength.

  Just as Javi Martinez was about to touch the ball, Alexander appeared in front of the ball like a magic weapon descending from heaven.

  Rush forward, take off, body in the air, pop forward with your left foot, and hit the middle of the football hard.

  This familiar shooting posture almost made all Arsenal fans confused at the same time.

  The former king of guns and the number one volley player currently in service, Robin Van Persie!

  Wenger's mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to curse something, but he didn't know where to start.

  He initially positioned Alexander as Van Persie's replacement, and there is nothing to deny.

  But he never dreamed that he was just looking for a pirated copy, but God gave him a perfect match