Demon versus Wukong

If you want to find the most regrettable name in England's long list of stars, then Michael Owen will definitely be among the top three, or even the first.

  After the World Cup came out in 1998, the boy who chased the wind became the White Moonlight in the hearts of countless people. Even though he is now injured and no longer at his peak, he is still unforgettable for countless Sanmao fans.

  Putting him on the same level as Irving is basically the same as when Wenger fooled a kid and kept saying "Are you ready to be the second Henry (Van Persie/Fabregas)?"

  Many players actually only know whether they have made it to the national team the moment the roster is officially announced. The only ones who can get the coach to call him personally are usually the big guys in the team. Alexander didn't expect that he had only played two games. That's all, I received a call from Hodgson.

  England's current situation is not very good, because it only ranked second in the group in the 2014 World Cup qualifiers, and might have to play in the play-offs. It is somewhat disappointing for its reputation as the king of qualifiers. Hodgson came to him at this time. He didn't know whether to praise him for his courage or to say that this old man was crazy.

  In fact, Hodgson is quite bold in using newcomers. Although the main framework of the national team is still a few old guys, he has brought many young people with him in several qualifiers. Alexander is quite confident that he can be selected, but he is not. I just thought it would be that fast.

  "Irving? Sorry, I don't want to be him," Alexanderdao said. "After all, he is ready to retire, and he only scored 41 goals for the national team."

  Hodgson was stunned for a moment.

  Or maybe not just for a moment, but directly frightened by the child's tone.

  Judging from Alexander's low-key demeanor, he thought this kid was an honest guy, at least modest and prudent, but he didn't expect him to be so arrogant, even a little arrogant.

  That's Owen, the current top scorer of the national team and England's last Ballon d'Or winner!

  Now that there is little Owen in the team, Hodgson can laugh until his mouth is crooked in his dreams. How come you look so unsatisfactory?

  "So…how many goals do you think you could score for the national team?"

  "Then it depends on how much you trust me," Alexander changed his hand to hold the phone. "Maybe you can refer to Wenger in this regard. He trusts me quite a lot, and the reward seems to be pretty good."

  Hodgson finally heard that this kid was asking for playing time.

  Other little brats would be so happy to fart secretly in the national team's locker room that they would party for three days in a row.This boy is not satisfied with being in the squad and wants to play right away?

  Hodgson considered it for a moment, "Okay, then we might as well make a bet…"

  "Well, as expected of England…"

  The whole country is betting on Dog Britain, a weird country where you can even play with people to see if your own cat will cheat on you.

  "If you can score in this North London derby, then I wouldn't mind giving you some playing time in the next World Cup qualifiers to prove yourself."

  "It's a deal?"

  "It's a deal."

  … Until he hung up the phone, Hodgson still couldn't come to his senses.

  He originally thought that Alexander would be so excited that he called him dad after receiving his call, but he didn't expect that it would inexplicably turn out like this in the end.

  For a while, he couldn't figure out whether this kid was a weirdo or a genius.

  "Don't be another Balotelli…" Hodgson thought with a headache.

  Here, Alexander has another reason to kill Tottenham.

  But Tottenham at this time is actually not easy to play.

  But in a derby, it's all about head-to-head confrontation, and you just have to fight to the death. Wenger couldn't think of any damaging moves for a while, so he could only prepare for the battle step by step.

  Alexander, who scored seven goals in two games, is naturally the well-deserved starting center and will probably be the focus of the opponent's research. The professor is also worried about how to deal with Bell.

  Every time like this, he would look at Walcott silently and let out a long sigh.

  When he went to Southampton to hook up with Theo Walcott, he actually also took a fancy to Bale, but Bale was still a left-back at that time, and Nana already had Ashley Cole and Gael Clichy. Ge naturally no longer considered this weird-looking Welsh child, but only brought back a little tiger.

  Walcott did not live up to his expectations at first and had a very good start. But who knew that after so many years, he would still be the same as before, and even slightly regressed.

  On the contrary, Bell, after moving his position forward, seemed to be cheating. He has made rapid progress and has become one of the most threatening offensive players in the Premier League this season.

  "Fortunately, I still have Alex…"

  In order to find comfort, Professor eyes turned to Alexander again, and he finally felt better, but he immediately thought that if he bought Bell, then his team would now consist of Bell on the left, Walcott on the right, and Alexander in the front. Then The good mood immediately turned into as bad as eating an expired hamburger.

  "Everyone, run ten laps for me!"


  "What the hell?"



  The two teams are preparing for the match in full swing, and the outside world is also looking forward to this matchup.

  Naturally, the media this time stopped hyping up the pair of old CPs, Bell and Walcott, and instead focused on Alexander and Bell.

  One is the proud man who became popular all over Europe when he debuted. The other is an inspirational model who stood out after being frustrated in the early days and switched to playing as a winger. The other is Qilin'er, whom Wenger fell in love with at a glance, and the other is clearly within Wenger's reach. A hidden genius who lets go easily…

  Coupled with Adebayor's match against his old club and the like, this North London derby has quickly become one of the most watched Premier League games in recent years, and even has the potential to overshadow the Double Red Club.

  With much anticipation, match day is coming soon.

  Arsenal's players arrived at White Hart Lane amid harsh boos from Tottenham fans.

  White Hart Lane is a very poetic name.

  But for Arsenal, it's not poetic at all, even a little disgusting.

  "Arsenal has a clear advantage in the historical confrontations between the two teams, but in the last four visits to White Hart Lane, they have only achieved 2 draws and 2 losses…"

  "Oh? England coach Hodgson appeared in the stands again. This is his third consecutive appearance at Arsenal's game. Who is he here to inspect? Wilshere? Walcott? Or is it? …Alexander?