Who is more dazzling than whom?

There is a stone's throw in football jokes, Arsenal alone has twelve buckets, and other teams owe two buckets.

  Among all these jokes, the one that makes fans most unhappy is undoubtedly the temperature difference signing. The most unspeakable thing is selling the captain every year. And the most hated one is naturally Asuna.

  "There is no four to find four", "Since ancient times, the fourth is an integral part of our Na", "Spring is here, and it is the season for Arsenal to compete for the fourth", "Asina, Liwupu", "You compete, Or if we don't compete, we are all fourth, neither increasing nor decreasing", "Our biggest fear comes from Arsenal competing for fourth place"…

  From 2005 to 2012, except for two third places, Arsenal was fourth in the Premier League in all the remaining five seasons.

  For a team that sells its captain every year and focuses on "good quality and low price" every year, this kind of result is actually good enough.

  But after all, this is Arsenal.

  With a deep fan base, a long-standing team culture, a world-famous coach with unique vision, and even a wealthy owner, such a team competes for fourth place every year, which inevitably gives people the impression that they can live in peace and prosperity.

  This season is actually a similar situation. From the beginning of the season to the present, Arsenal's performance has been jumping around the fourth place repeatedly. If nothing else, by the end of the season, they are still sleeping and eating for fourth place.

  Now, the team has ushered in a wave of consecutive victories in the league, especially after directly defeating the strongest opponent in the third place 6-1, the slogan "Guarantee the third place and fight for the second place" can finally stand upright and shout out loudly.

  As for number one, unless Manchester United plays to death, there should be no chance.

  After the game, Alexander, Walcott, Ramsey and Cazorla who scored goals for the team naturally became derby heroes and were widely reported.

  Alexander, who scored 10 goals and 1 assist in three games, captured a large number of fans at a terrifying speed.

  Jeremy Lin made a strong rise in the NBA last year, and "Linsanity" became famous in the United States. But now, the second generation of "Alexanity" is even more crazy. He has only played three games, and his reputation as a genius has swept across Europe.

  At the same age, even Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are hard to come by. After counting, only Ronaldo can have such an explosive start in his rookie stage.

  Of course, no matter who he is, there will definitely be praise and criticism, especially in the world of pseudo-fans, there is always a proposition: a genius who cannot excel is not considered a genius.

  If a "violent opportunist" like Alexander wants to truly conquer everyone, he still has a long way to go.

  On the contrary, in the eyes of experts, Alexander has moved away from the stage of "outstanding potential and worth cultivating" to "outstanding strength and must be won."

  The first to take action was Jonathan Barnett.

  Because Alexander is still underage, other agents who want to contact him can only contact him through his parents, but Barnetta relied on his influence in English football and his connections at Arsenal to appear directly in front of Alexander.

  It was the third day after the game against Tottenham. In a very private restaurant in London, Arsenal assistant coach Bould set up a game, but he left with an excuse after Barnett showed up.

  Barnett is a bald man with a somewhat sinister face. He doesn't look very easy to mess with, and his expression is quite serious. His first impression is that of a rather rigid person, but when he opens his mouth, he tries his best to show off his personality.

  "Alexander, I have actually noticed you for a long time. You are a very talented young man… I'm sorry, I have to tell this lie, because I have been thinking about it for three whole days and I really can't think of a better opening line. ."

  "It's quite interesting to start like this…"

  "Then let's get straight to the point. You should know what my purpose is. I also know that there are many people like me out there waiting for you to choose. Some of them are not popular at all and are not worth your time. But there are also some , well, maybe one or two – like me, they are the top people in this industry.

  If you were just an ordinary talented player, then our competition would not be so fierce, but it is obvious that you are not an ordinary genius, but the kind of player who can compete for the Ballon d'Or in the future.

  In other words, you have a chance to be the best in the world in our eyes. "

  "I'm sorry, I don't know much about negotiation skills, but in my opinion, if you try so hard to elevate me, doesn't it give me more confidence to bargain with you?"

  "Hahaha, lovely young man, I'm afraid you don't know how good you are," Barnett was amused. "Well, now I'm going to start my twist… You have the potential to win the Golden Globe Award. But it's very possible that you won't win a Golden Globe Award in your lifetime, do you know why?"

  "Because I lack a top agent?"

  "Yes," Barnett snapped his fingers, "If you want to win the Golden Globe, you need to do a lot of work. In addition to playing beautiful data, you also need the media to help you promote it, and you also need dedicated people to help you. To canvass votes, you need celebrities to help you build momentum, and without a top agent, these are almost impossible… Do you need me to give you an example?"


  "Yes, Sneijder," Barnett nodded. "Sneijder in 2010 had a Ballon d'Or-level performance, but he couldn't even make the top three in the final selection."

  "But I also have an example here: Messi," Alexanderdao said, "His agent is his father. To put it bluntly, that old man should be the kind of thing you say is not top-notch in your industry. But it doesn't stop Messi from reaching the top of Europe four times in a row."

  "That's because Messi plays in Barcelona, which is one of the most influential clubs in the world. Barcelona has already done a lot of things for him that his father should do," Barnett said nonchalantly. , "And your team? Arsenal? Have you forgotten Henry? At one time, he was one of the best players in the world, but he never won a Ballon d'Or."

  "Okay, I accept this statement, I do need an outstanding agent, so here comes the second question, why you?"

  Alexander looked directly into Barnett's eyes.

  "Mendes, Raiola, Paul Stretford… Let's start with the Ballon d'Or you just mentioned. Cristiano Ronaldo under Mendes has already won the Ballon d'Or. Raiola has won the Ballon d'Or… La also helped Pavel Nedvěd successfully lift that trophy. As for Paul Stretford…well, he, like you, doesn't have a Golden Ball player, but he has Rooney, and what about you? Bale? I admit that he is very successful now, but I don't see your advantage in him."

  "It's a very sharp question. Fortunately, I have already thought of the answer." Barnett smiled slightly. "I guarantee that this summer, Gareth will become the most dazz'ing person in the world of football."

  "Then let's wait until then."

  If Alexander's guess is correct, his so-called "most dazzling person" is nothing more than which club he joined with a record transfer fee.

  In the eyes of agents, this is indeed an honor that can last a lifetime and is also one of the signs of their career success.

  But in Alexander's eyes, wanting to be the "most dazzling person" is not just as simple as how much money you have.

  Just like the game the day before yesterday, Bell is already a world-famous absolute superstar, and he is just a fledgling boy. The price difference between the two is more than ten times, but in the end? Who is the prettiest kid in the whole show?

  For another example, what if he directly leads Arsenal to win the Champions League this season?

  At that time, what if Bell joined Real Madrid/Barcelona/Manchester City/Chelsea or any other club at a sky-high price? Who is more dazzling than whom?

  Of course, just if.