Probably Mendes

Alexander was not in a hurry to return to London.

  Well, it was approved by Wenger, so there is no need to ask for leave.

  He received two waves of guests at home in the morning.

  Raiola and Mendes.

  Arsenal is already urging him to change his contract, and the agent's matter needs to be resolved quickly.

  As the name suggests, the fat man is an inflexible fat man. He is not a good person at first glance. He doesn't even need to put on makeup to play the role of a gangster.

  Raiola carefully looked at the family of three sitting opposite him. For a moment, he was not sure who among them had the final say. He could only convince Alexander first, "You know me, and I know you, let's just talk about what I can bring to you."

  John and Isabella remained calm, leaving Alexander to deal with it on his own.

  Alexander just made a gesture to say please.

  "First of all, of course it's a big contract. The contract Arsenal is giving you now is a joke. Of course I don't suggest you transfer now, so the new contract will still be with Arsenal. I will get it for you. The weekly salary of the first tier of the Premier League is at the level of Van Persie and Suarez."

  "sounds good..."

  "Of course," Raiola pretended to take a sip of tea, "Secondly, in terms of awards, let's warm up with the Golden Boy Award first?"

  "Is it too early?" Alexander smiled, "And as far as I know, Pogba is also your player."

  The selection of the Golden Boy Award usually does not start until around October, and before Alexander emerged, Pogba was one of the biggest favorites.

  "Then I can only say sorry to him," Raiola said decisively, "Paul is very good, but there is no comparison with you, unless he can help Juventus eliminate Arsenal in this round of the Champions League quarter-finals. , but I think it's difficult."

  "Oh? I thought Juventus had a better chance of winning."

  Compared with Arsenal's narrow victory over Bayern to advance, Juventus's path to advancement is undoubtedly more convincing. The 5-0 score in the two rounds not only proved their offensive power, but also fully demonstrated their defensive strength, so this round of duel with the outside world Generally speaking, Juventus is still relatively optimistic.

  Pogba joined Juventus on a free transfer from Manchester United in the summer of 2012, and quickly occupied the main position in Conte's team. In this summer's World Youth Championship, Pogba, as captain, led France U20 to win the championship, and he himself also Successfully won the best player of the tournament.

  This season, with Marchisio injured, Pogba has become the main force. Even if the Italian midfielder returns from injury, the Frenchman is still a key part of Conte's team, so this round of quarter-finals The focus of much media speculation is the golden boy battle between Alexander and Pogba.

  If Raiola can successfully win over Alexander, he will have two of the hottest candidates for Golden Boy at the same time, and their help to him will be unparalleled.

  "I don't need to do any game analysis because I am an agent. I only study players. In my opinion, you will be a key figure in Arsenal's victory over Juventus. That is enough."

  "Then I will take it as your compliment and blessing."

  Seeing Alexander's unmoved look, Raiola suddenly felt that this kid was very difficult to deal with.

  You must know that it is more than ten or two hundred thousand pounds a week, and there is also the Golden Boy Award, which symbolizes the first person of the younger generation.

  Although Alexander's family was well off, it was not considered a wealthy family. He couldn't understand how this kid could be so calm.

  "It seems that I have not convinced you, so I will tell you some of what I am best at. I know that many clubs hate me because I always stand with my players and I fight for their best interests. They take care of all the hassle, I mean, every aspect, no matter what you want to do, I'm just a phone call away and I can get it done for you."

  Alexander nodded, "I have never doubted this."

  Raiola worked hard again, and it was basically the same as the outside world's evaluation of him.

  Everything is based on money, but it can make the players not resentful, and they can see things from the other side's perspective. However, there is a gold medal agent waiting for his "interview", so Alexander did not immediately relent, and only said to think about it.

  After sending Raiola away, the three began to exchange opinions.

  Alexanderdao: "How do you feel?"

  Isabella expressed her opinion first: "It's not bad, it seems quite sincere, but it looks a bit casual."

  John said, "In that case, I will vote for Raiola first."

  "Then let's see what Mendes says," Alexander thought for a while, "He's not bad, but I don't know if his professional level is as good as the rumors say."

  With Mourinho and Cristiano Ronaldo, Mendes is already one of the most famous sports agents in the world, not to mention that he also owns De Gea, Falcao, Di Maria, Nani, Pepe, and Marcel Superstars such as Luo Luo have influence all over Europe. It can be said that they are sincere enough to take the trouble to visit in person again and again.

  Mendes didn't play tricks and went straight to the point.

  "So… what kind of agent do you like? A nanny like Raiola, or a professional like Barnett?"

  "Is this how you evaluate your two colleagues?"

  "Of course," Mendes said, "They are all very good agents. Both have very distinctive characteristics. As for me… I also have my own characteristics, that is, I can make myself become The kind of person you want to see the most. If you don't want me to interfere too much in your life, then OK, except for work matters, I can completely disappear from your world. If you need my full range of services, then I'm equally happy to oblige."

  John nodded, and Alexander looked at each other, and both understood what the other person meant.

  It's probably him