Chapter 93: Nobody Has Just One Side

The training session finally came to an end after a little while and now the players could all be seen in the locker room..

Peterson had already gone home since leaving early was his thing now but Axel was still sitting in the room, he had not even changed out of his training outfit yet so it was obvious that he wasn't planning on heading home early today.

What had him pinned on his seat the whole time with his gaze on the floor the whole time was something Peterson told him during their conversation.

The winger did agree to having a problem that was making him the way he was currently but he did not tell him anything specific. However, he did give him slight hints.

"Do you think you can see people's deception and if the answer is yes, how much do you trust that ability?" He muttered to himself.

"Hey, what's up?"

He didn't know when Victor got close to him much less when he sat down beside him but he was out of his thoughts now.