Chapter 104: Free-Kick Drill Phase Two

Axel ended up being one of the few players to miss getting the ball into the goalpost because Victor, Davi, Andrea and even Paul managed to get the ball into the goalpost but they weren't the only ones.

Only five players failed to get the ball into the goalpost and unfortunately, Axel was part of that mix.

"I guess I'm part of the losers this time." The youngster muttered as he kicked his right foot back and forth.

"Well, you were the only winner last time so I guess this is fair," Victor responded.

"Fair, pfft." He scoffed. "Let's see how things go this time."

"It's not a competition, Axel."

"Well, it feels like one to me."

Hearing him say that, Victor couldn't help but face-palm himself before letting out a sigh.

This drill got quite easy fast given the fact that there was no goalkeeper and that was why for phase two of the drill, Gregory was putting Moreno in between the sticks.