Page 7 of Fallen (Dark in You 7) recommended by

"Oh, she knows," Raini replied. "But she sees that as him simply giving the impression that he cares."

Harper's brow creased. "Maddox isn't interested in people's impressions of him."

"Well either she hasn't heard about that or just prefers to believe what brings her joy." Raini shrugged. "Whatever the case, she's pleased that he doesn't want to bond with me."

Devon shook her head. "You know, with any luck, she won't come back from her upcoming cruise. Maybe the sea will take her."

"It's more likely to spit her back out." Khloë twisted her mouth, her gaze locked on Raini. "I was sure Maddox wouldn't hold out long; that he'd choose to form the anchor bond at some point. But then you made your little deal with him, so now he's getting the best of both worlds and has zero motivation to give in. Don't you know better than to make deals with shady dudes like Maddox Quentin?"

"I wasn't going to let you die." Raini raised a hand. "No, don't start giving me grief again, Wallis. I made a choice, and I don't regret it. You'd have made the same choice if the situation was reversed. You can't say you wouldn't have."

"Actually, I can, because I don't know exactly what you promised him," said Khloë. "Without all the info, I can't make an educated guess as to whether or not I'd truly have agreed to it in your shoes."

"I told you the conditions of the agreement." Mostly.

"No, you told us some of them, not all."

Raini had held back the final condition. Why? Because they'd be furious that he'd request such a thing when he wouldn't even bond with her. More, they'd tell Jolene for sure, who'd be equally furious. And when someone was bat-shit crazy right down to the bone and liked to demolish entire buildings when their temper was running high, it was not a good idea for them to be in a fury about anything.

Oh, Jolene would understand Maddox's reasoning. She just wouldn't care. And Raini would really rather not be stuck in the middle of a dispute between her anchor and her Prime.

Besides, what would be the point in bemoaning the situation or having anyone take him to task over exploiting her desperation that night? Raini would never try to renege on a deal, so it wasn't like anything would change.

Khloë sighed. "Look, if you're keeping the rest from me because you worry I'll feel bad that you agreed to this deal to save me from dying, then don't."

Raini rested a hand on the imp's shoulder. "If there's one thing I'll never do, Khloë, it's worry that you'll 'feel bad' about, well, anything. Guilt has never quite been your thing."

"It's a wasteful emotion."

Raini's inner demon happened to agree with that.

Khloë sighed. "I worry about you, that's all. I felt his power flow through me and … it was just so cold, Raini. Cold, but it burned and prickled. A little like chilblains. And now you … Look, don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be alive, I'm grateful he helped. But he's mega powerful. Like scary, mega powerful."

"But," Harper cut in, "fate wouldn't have paired Raini with him if it didn't feel she could handle him."