Trip to Konohagakure III

I was filling my plate with meat and slides of boiled egg when Konya passed me a small bowl of rice. 

"How are ya doing kiddo?"

I accepted the bowl and set it beside my plate before answering honestly. "I've been better. Mom helped me come to terms with it."

"That's good. There is only more of it if you continue this path. The sooner you get used to it, the better."

I was bringing the food to my mouth when he said that. I couldn't help but respond to that. "No. Getting better at killing does not mean I need to get used to it. And just because my mother hates you does not mean I do. I will not thank you for the experience either."

Konya made a face like his food was replaced with old sweaty socks at my words. Seto whispered quietly to his squad captain and teammate, "I told you so." earning a bashful look from Nitta and making Konya's sour face even gloomier.

Meanwhile, team Hiruzen looked like someone just told them the meat they ate was human.

"Did you just say that you made this kid kill someone? HOW DARE YOU?!"

"Tsunade, while outrage seems rather appropriate, destroying the ship is not. I agree with her, though; the boy is awfully young for that."

Orochimaru's cool, monotone voice was an entertaining contrast to Tsunade's hot temper. It was rather heartwarming to hear their reactions.

I didn't expect much from Jiraiya, though. The pervert was entranced by Tsunade's chest as soon as she started moving. The man's eyes were like a moth to a flame.

Tsunade noticed an amused smile on my face and followed my gaze to Jiraiya, who froze.

"Tsunade! I- It's not what it looks like! There was a fly, and I- I- I Gotta-Go-See-Ya-Byeeee."

Jiraiya shot to his feet and backed up while Tsunade approached him like a pissed-off mama elephant. While he bolted off, she huffed, and I swear I saw steam come out of her nose before she returned to her seat. 

"I'm gonna get that damn pervert next time I see him," she said while smacking her fist into her open palm.

I just chuckled in amusement and went back to focusing on my food. 

A little bit later, Ashita came out with Kushina. It was obvious she had done something to tame my sister's hair because it looked far less like a rat's nest, and she was pouting.

I always found it incredibly amusing how much she hates having her hair brushed. 

Konya excused himself from the table along with Nitta when they approached. It was clear the two of them did not want to be anywhere near the angry mother. With the excuse of going to find Jiraiya, they left the 6 of us to our food.

Helping themselves to the food on the table, they participated in small talk.

We learned, to Tsunade's surprise and our own, that we are actually 3rd cousins. Mito Senju's brother didn't follow her into the Senju fold, and Kushina and I are both descendants of him.

Tsunade was ecstatic to learn that she still had some family left. She practically stole me from my seat and made me sit on her lap.

She also gave some attention to Kushina, though being the youngest, I was given the most attention. I guess being little does have its perks.

The Senju clan has fallen far in recent years. The once-feared clan is nearly extinct at this point. Only three members remained: Tsunade, her little brother Nawaki and their grandmother Mito. Even those who married out of the clan had died in one accident or another.

To my astonishment, she didn't know that someone from the village was purposefully erasing her clan. I don't know if she is just dense or if all the time spent under the care of the professor made her look past the natural doubt.

Either way, I would make sure it didn't happen to mine.

The rest of lunch passed by rather uneventfully, aside from Tsunade trying to shove food into our mouths.

Jiraiya eventually returned with Konya and Nitta. Of course, the serial pervert froze stiff when he saw me on Tsunade's lap, having food forced into my face. 

Our trip was delayed for another half an hour, partly due to my own actions but mainly due to the pervert. Seeing that Tsunade was rather adamant about me staying on her lap, I halfheartedly tried to escape.

This resulted in her pulling me back into her lap. However, in my escape, I turned slightly, which resulted in me getting a face full of bosom. I was able to make my getaway from her due to Jiraiya's disturbance.

I was sure he would be getting clobbered once were were off the ship, but it was a necessary sacrifice—one for the greater good. 

When he finally woke up, we set off for Konohagakure. This time, I was riding piggyback on Tsunade while Mom carried Kushina.

We raced away from the docks at superhuman speed, and soon, we were leaping through the trees like they showed in the anime.

The trees here are insanely large. I always thought it was an anime exaggeration that people could jump between branches, but it's real.

There is also far more Nature Energy in the forest than in Uzushiogakure. I suspect that is why the trees can grow so big; there is also a chance that the density is the cause of the huge trees, too.

It took us two days running to get to the village. It would probably have taken longer if the ones carrying us weren't Elite Jonin. The boost chakra gives is good but not that good.

I found that Orochimaru is actually a good guy, a little cold with a creepy voice, but rather dependable and kind, if a little blunt. Jiraiya, on the other hand…

Well, let's say he could give the knucklehead ninja a run for his money 75% of the time. That other 25% where he is serious is either due to him doing something perverted when Tsunade or some other woman is trying to kill him, he is trying to sneak into a bath, or when he is on a mission of some importance.

Tsunade, on the other hand, is the epitome of a bear with the brains of a neurosurgeon. She is cuddly, warm and happy but also serious, scary and overprotective. I don't think her healing abilities need to be mentioned; she isn't the best medical ninja because she killed everyone else in the field.

The 6 of us were barely stopped at the gate and went right to the Hokage building. Apparently, Hiruzen wanted to meet all of us. 

Along the way, I smelled something amazing, which caused my mouth to water. My head shot toward the smell, and saw a small outdoor restaurant. It had five sheets with kanji written on them that blocked the view of the interior, as well as a large paper lantern out front.

Apparently, Ashita and Kushina reacted similarly as our group stopped due to her sudden stop.

Jiraiya was the first of the guides, aside from me, who recognized the restaurant. Without missing a beat, the pervert asked my mother if he could take her out there. She refused, obviously, and we continued on our way.

When we were close to the Hokage's building, I used my ability to make invisible platforms to trip Jiraiya repeatedly. After successfully bloodying his nose from a series of unfortunate freak accidents in front of other ninjas, we entered the building.


meeting with Hiruzen up next, how should Kane act?



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