Frog Eyes

Tsunade, Kushina, Ashita and Nawaki arrive at the Senju compound.

Kane and Mito are sitting in the living area with tea, discussing the applications of different seals.

"Welcome back. What do you think of the village?" Mito asked the four without turning around.

They all took their places on their families' couches while Kushina answered excitedly.

"It is so cool! There are so many different people here! There were so many different hair colours, even people with different eyes! Even a man was running upside down on his hands; he was moving so fast!"

Knowing I had to play the 3-year-old now, I let myself be amazed. 

"That's so cool! What were their eyes like? Don't eyes just have different colours?"

The Adults smiled as we excitedly talked about the two kinds of people with white and red eyes with little tadpoles in them.

They have frogs in their eyes?!" I made a show of my disbelief. "Do they control lizards with their frog eyes?" 

I made my question as genuine as possible. It worked as Nawaki snorted and had hot tea from his nose.

Apparently, he found the idea of the proud Uchiha controlling small reptiles amusing. Either that or it was because of calling their precious Sharingan' frog eyes.'

While Tsunade tended to her brother's burnt sinuses, Mito explained the unique eyes of two of Konohagakure's clans.

"The people with the red eyes belong to the Uchiha clan; they founded the village alongside the Senju. They are rather proud of their unique bloodline, which manifests in their eyes. They call it the Sharingan, which has a few uses, giving them great potential as ninjas. Most Uchiha are excellent at Jutsu and thrown weapons, mainly due to their unique eyes.

The second unique pair of eyes in Konoha is the Byakugan. They are all white and look blind, but they actually have incredible sight. These eyes belong to the Hyuga bloodline. The Hyuga are a strict clan that only uses a specific taijutsu style they call the Gentle Fist. They are mainly scouting ninja due to the abilities of their eyes."

Kushina and I listened with rapt attention to her explanation.

"What about the guy running on his hands? Is he special, too?"

Mito, Nawaki and Tsunade all made a face at my question. 

"Oh, he is special, alright," Nawaki said with a snicker.

That earned him a punch on the arm from Tsunade and a harsh look from their grandmother.

"His name is Might Duy. They call him the eternal genin because he can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu and has horrible Chakra control. He has failed several missions yet still trains his body relentlessly. You can often find him training crazily around the village."

Tsunade explained who the crazy guy was, and the further she explained, the less excited Kushina became.

"So he is just a weak ninja?" my sister asked innocently.

"No way! If he works that hard, there is no way he is weak!" 'he trained the strongest ninja, so what if he is foolish.' 

I couldn't help but stand up for him. He is the father of one of my favourite characters, and that alone deserves respect. People don't know he can open all eight inner gates.

Mito couldn't help but look at me with concern. 

"Kane, hard work isn't the only thing that matters. Talent is important, and unfortunately, Might Duy isn't talented. No matter how hard he works, he doesn't get any better."

Seeing the look of disagreement on my face, she just sighed. 

"How about we just get ready for dinner?"


Mito knocked on an old wooden door, worn smooth with age.

"Come in," the voice on the other side said.

She pushed open the door to find Hiruzen at his desk, buried in paperwork. 

"Ah! Mito, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? How are our new Uzumaki?"

Mito took a seat in the corner before answering. 

"The trio is adapting quite well. It is rather refreshing to have children running around the compound once more. Kane and Nawaki often bicker over food decisions while Tsunade pampers him; that girl truly loves her family. 

Ashita is enjoying having other people around. Taking care of two little ones on your own is far from easy, despite how well-behaved they are most of the time. I have found her quite easy to talk to. 

Kushina is a little ball of passion who seems driven to succeed by her own goals and her fear of being surpassed by her brother. It seems she has her sights set on becoming the Hokage."

Mito smiled as she talked about her extended family.

Hiruzen looked happy with the news but curious at the end.

"Why would be surpassed by him? He should be three years old, right?"

"Well, Kane is a bright child, almost scarily so sometimes. He absorbs knowledge at an absurd pace. He has already unlocked his chakra and has a frankly ridiculous amount of control over it. He is also over halfway to becoming a seal master by Uzumaki standards. I expect by the end of this year, he will officially pass the trial. 

Kushina is strong for her age and rather talented, but that boy is something else. She doesn't really fear being surpassed by him it is more like she is driven by the desire to keep his image of her as an older sister who can do anything.

It is rather heartwarming to see how hard she works. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the same talent in seals as he does. She has shown interest in kenjutsu and Nawaki and has been teaching her the basics.

I believe it will be good for her. The training will temper her control over her fiery personality. Overall, the two get along really well."

"That is excellent; he seems like a wonderful seed. I am glad they are all doing well. Is she excited to attend the academy next week?"

"She is; she can't wait to take the next step in becoming a ninja."


Hiruzen cleared off the working space on his desk and looked at her seriously.

"Now, what is it you have come to me for." 

"I want your support for a proposal in the next council meeting as both Hokage and head of the Sarutobi clan."

Hiruzen frowned slightly. "That is some serious support you are asking for. Tell me about the proposal."

"I suggest using Tobirama's jutsu, Impure World Reincarnation, for training. In this way, the great ninjas of the past can teach the new generation and be used as training partners for stronger ninjas. 

My late husband and his brother would like to see how the village has changed since its inception and their deaths. All clan members could have an elder teach the youngsters and the talented. It could also be used as a promotional test from Chunin to Jonin.

As for the sacrifice needed to perform the jutsu, many criminals are simply killed. We can just use them."

Hiruzen stood up from his desk with an angry expression on his face.

"Absolutely not! I will not allow anyone to desecrate the graves of the late Shinobi! You will not have any support of mine. Should you bring this up at the meeting, I will do all I can to stop it. You are dismissed."

Mito narrowed her eyes at the seeming overreaction from the Hokage.

"You would do well to remember who you are speaking to. You may be Hokage, but I helped found the village. Watch your tone, young man."

Mito flared her Chakra and Adamantine chains, cracking the floor and messing up the neat piles of paper on his desk.

Hiruzen went white in the face. "Apologies for my outburst Senju-Sama."


An hour after Mito left his office, Hiruzen pressed a button on the side of his desk.

A shinobi wearing an owl mask dressed in all black appeared on the ground before him. He kneeled and spoke in a monotone voice.

"Your orders, Hokage-sama." 

"Call Danzo here; no one can see him or you."

"Yes Hokage-sama"

Watching the departing anbu, Hiruzen took a seat and filled his pipe.

Taking out the crystal ball and setting it on the desk, he activated the artifact with his chakra.

Using a small fire release to light his pipe, he took a long drag while staring at the image before him.

"What am I going to do with you, Mito."