A young boy by the name of jon snow was seen in the corner of the court yard within the walls of winter fell,the "supposed" natural born son of lord stark the warden of the north.
and if we are to notice the young boy was in a state of utter misery, why?
one name can be the answer Catelyn stark nee Tully, the wife of lord stark and lady of the north, you see she in all her glorious intelligence and devoted love of the Seven gods despise bastard they see them as lustful creatures, creatures born to take away the birthright of the true born son and it is this hate and a little discussion that will lead our very own protagonist to his decision to send beyond the limit that the world as placed him and boy westros is going to be interesting for the foreseeable future.
now gent's and ladies let's go on a long ride.
Deep within the walls of winter fell the measter who are in charge of the castle health, message and education that they are being assigned to can be seen walking out to gather rare herbs from the forest around winter am talking of one measter luwin
stumbled upon a sad Jon snow.
luwin" young snow might I know what has gotten you on such mood this fine morning and why are you here instead of being with your siblings"
Jon" measter can I ask you something if you don't mind "
luwin" of course young one am here to help"
Jon"am I evil"
luwin"now why would you think you are evil"
Jon"lady stark said that I am evil, that I will be stealing robb birthright from him that am a disgrace to lord stark "
luwin could only sign and think of such burden a young child carry on his shoulder for something he couldn't control
luwin"listen young one I want to give a piece of advice no one is born evil it is your actions that makes you good or evil"
Jon"how can I be good I don't want to be evil"
Jon said with innocence
luwin"by serving the people and making them see you as a good person when the people see you as good even lady stark will change her ways of seeing you as a bad person "
luwin said but unknowingly he his setting the road to westros second conqueror.
Jon"how can I start serving the people lord stark said he serves the people as Thier lord and am not a lord am a bastard "
now luwin has to pick he's word carefully
luwin"well in the south you can squire for a knight and when you become a knight you can have your own name and maybe lord stark can give you land to build your nobility as landed knight who knows you can be a lord"
with this words comes the butterfly effect and massive winds change began to blow a change that will bring the destruction and rebirth of westros
luwin"and for you to be a squire you need to show talent in swordman'ships and you must know your numbers and letters so you can be a good knight and lord do you understand me"
Jon nods with understanding and with a determination never should be seen on boy suffering from depression,if luwin should here the thought going on Jon's head he would have a heart attack
luwin "now run along and go play remember to study hard as from tomorrow ok"
Jon nods and run away where he was heading not to play but to the library since they are not yet qualified to start Thier training in swordman'ships,and thus a decision has been made to be the best so he can be a good person in the eyes of the people was made in Jon's mind
he doesn't care about what lady stark says or the septa or anyone he will be the best .