Ch 60: Decide [pt3]

"Hey, let go of me. What do you think you are doing to me? Do you even know who I am? I am Adrian Chlorance. How dare you stop me?"

Adrian asked while raging. He looked at the person who caught his hand, but the person was covered head and toe.

Usually, this would not have troubled the young master, and he would have continued to make claims about himself. But this time was different. Adrian felt scared of the gaze looking at him.

But he also knew that something about this person was familiar. He could not quite put his finger on what it was.

"Elias, you might break Adrian's wrist if you continued to hold it so tightly. Maybe you should let go now?"

Rachael's voice instantly liberated Adrian's hand from the tight grip. He lightly shook his wrist to get the sensation back in it. He also looked up at the familiar pair of smiling eyes looking back at him.