The Great Father

"Alright, you two," Kaspar said with a calm yet suspicious expression. "I do not have a name for the two of you. Can I know why?" He asked. 

With the room being empty, only Killian and the Princess were left. Their names weren't written on the papers because they weren't brought here like everyone else. They just somehow ended up here. 

"Because we got lost the moment we were brought here." Killian quickly made up an excuse. 

"Both of you?" Kaspar chuckled in disbelief. 

"She is my betrothed!" Killian replied on impulse. 

The Princess glared at him in utmost surprise. 

Kaspar nodded, "Unusual for a couple to be sold together." 

"What can we do about fate?" Killian put up a complete act. 

"Either way, there is essentially nothing I can do about this matter. I can arrange the same room if you want." Kaspar shrugged out of pity. 

"Yes, please." Killian nodded. 

The Princess glared at him again but Killian ignored her for the time being. 

"Alright, names?" 

"I am Killian Schneider. She is Sofia Winter." 

The land of Ignis didn't know about the internal Court of Miraculum. So, Killian didn't find it necessary to make up fake names and confuse the Princess more than she already was. 

"Killian, Sofia," Kaspar wrote their names down, "You both seem from good families. How did you end up being sold?" 

Killian didn't know how to reply to this. He couldn't think of a good excuse. He put up a depressed expression and looked away. 

Kaspar sighed, taking pity on them once again. "Anyways, your affiliation would be…" Kaspar looked around the pages to see which job was open, "Ambassadors for the Royal Palace." He said with pride. "Since you two seem to be of noble background, I shall grant you the opportunity to earn for yourselves with dignity and stand back on your feet." 

Killian confusedly looked at him. "What do we have to do?" 

"Ah, what is your job?" Kaspar chuckled. "If the Great Father wants to send something to the Palace, you two will make it happen. Whether it be messages or presents." 

The Princess gasped in surprise, "The Great Father?!" 

Now that she had repeated the name, Killian recognized it from the description of her visions too. What was going on? 

"Yes." Kaspar nodded bluntly. "We are in the Great Father's mansion." 

The Princess's eyes widened with surprise, "Can I meet him?" 

Kaspar scoffed, "Not everyone can see him!" He said in a mocking tone. "Noble background or not, ambassadors for the Royal Palace or not, you are his servants." 

Killian lowered himself to the Princess's ear, "My lady, be quiet for now." 

"Anyways, here is the key to your room. I will send someone to get you the formal and informal outfits. The person I will send will explain the mansion's rules so please be cooperative." Kaspar said, "You may leave now. Your room is on the 3rd floor, room no. 180." 

  Killian nodded, reached out for the key, grabbed the Princess's hand, and rushed out of the room before something terrible could break their cover. 

  He closed the door behind them and sighed, "My lady, play along with all of this until I find a way out." 

The Princess looked at him, "No." She shook her head. "I need to meet the man in person before we leave." 

"My lady!" Killian whispered to her sternly. 

"You do not understand." The Princess said, "I have too many questions." 

"I do understand. However, look at our situation. Please." Killian reminded her. 

The door behind them creaked open, "Um…" Kaspar uttered. 

The two quickly stepped aside. 

"I support the love between you two but please be mindful of the mansion's custom. Leave for your room at once. I am sending someone." Kaspar told them bitterly before walking away. 

Killian sighed and looked at the Princess, "My lady, let us go. We shall discuss this later." 

With that, the two left for the 3rd floor where their room was supposed to be. The Princess looked around the mansion with awe. She couldn't believe such a place stood between the mountains. 

They soon found their room. Killian opened the door to reveal a well-lit, beautifully decorated room. There were, thankfully, two single beds. The man Kaspar was a nice man for arranging such a room for them. It almost made the Princess wonder if all the servants were granted this luxury. 

"My lady, please abide by all the rules for the time being. I know it is hard. I will try to do most of the work so please rest assured." Killian said in one breath, trying to reassure the Princess. 

She shook her head, "I am okay with it." The only goal on her mind at the moment was to meet the Great Father in person. 

Why was he even called that in the first place? 

Knock! Knock! 

"Yes?" Killian asked. 

The door opened and Lady Odila walked in. 

"You again?" She looked at the Princess and sighed. 

The Princess looked away. This lady was particularly scary. She reminded the Princess of her beloved servant, senior maid Maya. 

"I am here to drop off your clothes." Lady Odila said before bringing a big trolley inside. 

The trolley had a lot of clothes stacked on top of it. Lady Odila pulled the trolley towards the cupboard. She opened the cupboard and then started explaining the purpose of each piece of clothing. 

"These are your formal attire. You shall not leave for the Royal Palace without these." She said before hanging a beautiful white dress on the left rack of the cupboard and a distinguished suit on the right frame of the cupboard. "These are the informal attire that you must wear inside the mansion. You shall not be seen without these." She hung a simple white dress with black details on the left rack, and a simple shirt, tie, and pants on the right side. 

"Understood?" She asked. 

"Yes," Killian said. 

Lady Odila raised an eyebrow. 

"Y-Yes!" The Princess said quickly.