Longevity and Happiness

The breakfast served exceeded the Princess's expectations. If this is what the servants were served, the Great Father was indeed great. There were soft pretzels, different kinds of buns, mushroom soup, beef roast, and multiple drinks. A delightful cranberry jam was provided along with cream cheese for those with a sweet tooth. This wasn't a breakfast - it was a feast. 

Kaspar was sitting right in front of the Princess and Killian. He leaned forward to whisper as they ate. 

"Since we are here, I shall take my time to point out some important entities to you two." Kaspar said, "To the Great Father's left and right sit his two wives, Miss Teresia, and Miss Wanda." He pointed at the two ladies sitting alongside Heinrich. "Miss Teresia has five children. Miss Wanda has none. She is currently pregnant though." 

The Princess leaned forward to hear better and get a better look at the wives. For some reason, she felt extremely envious. 

"To Miss Teresia's right, her two daughters and three sons sit. Young Ladies Belinda and Hella, and Young Masters Jochen, Vergil, and Wilbert." Kaspar continued to explain. "The lady next to Young Master Wilbert is Karoline Hoover. She is the wife of Aldrich Hoover. The Hoover family accounts for the direct servants of the Great Father and his family. This mansion is under the name of the Hoover family as well." 

The Princess narrowed her eyes, "Does the Great Father not have a surname?" She asked. "And why is the mansion not under his name?" 

Kaspar backed off, "Those are confidential things. We do not know about such things and we must not bother either." 

The Princess turned to look at Heinrich and his family again. They were all laughing and sharing words like normal people. They were normal people. The Princess couldn't understand why she had a strange feeling regarding them. 

After breakfast, the Princess and Killian were both summoned by the Great Father. Kaspar told them that it was probably because of the unique affiliation that they were able to see Heinrich so often. 

They knocked on the door and entered together. His room was big and cozy. He was seated on his comfortable chair and his direct servant Aldrich was lying down on his bed with a book on his face. It was quite a sight. 

"Aldrich?" Heinrich looked at the two and addressed his servant. 

But he snored in reply, causing Heinrich to softly chuckle. 

"I reckon his little ones did not let him sleep at night." Heinrich said politely, "Do not mind him." He added, "Take a seat." 

The cushions were right in front of them. The Princess and Killian both sat down and looked up at Heinrich. Since they needed to earn his favor, they had to obey him no matter what. 

"I finally have someone to fulfill this task for me," Heinrich murmured, "The two of you are the only ones who are capable of this job. Even though your Royal norms would be quite different, I am certain you will bring peace between me and the Holy Roman Empire." 

The two simply nodded, keeping the rules of the mansion embedded in their minds. 

"I used to go to the palace by myself. However, the two of you will fill in my stead now." Heinrich said as he stood up from his chair and picked up a small wooden box. 

He walked towards them, sat in front of them on the ground without a cushion, and opened the box. "This right here is a little present to the Holy Roman Emperor and Empress. They do not have children. This ornament is made out of jade, crafted in the shape of a clover for good luck. Make sure to explain this to the Emperor and Empress." He explained. 

The Princess and Killian nodded, accepting the wooden box. The ornament was beautiful. It looked like it cost a fortune. 

"Also," Heinrich wasn't finished yet. "Stay away from the Crown Emperor no matter what. He is an illegitimate child with unlawful intentions. I do not want the two of you to end up in a troublesome situation. So, avoid him if possible." 

"I thought the Emperor did not have children." The Princess murmured. 

"Legitimate children," Heinrich replied. "Nobody considers the Crown Emperor as his child because his origin is unknown. We cannot deny that he is of Royal blood though." He added. "Oh, and…" He rolled his eyes while thinking, "You two must not know anything about the Holy Roman Empire." 

The two shook their heads. 

"The journey will be long. I suggest taking a few books from the main library to aid your safe return." Heinrich suggested. 

So far, he was extremely nice and soft-spoken. Killian found no reason to hate the man, considering how well he treated his servants. 

"Understood?" Heinrich asked. 

"Yes." Killian nodded. 

"Add Master too." Aldrich suddenly woke up from his nap just to correct Killian. 

Heinrich chuckled, "It is alright. They will learn." 

"Yes, Master." Killian corrected himself. 

Heinrich smiled warmly at both of them, "I hope that the two of you experience longevity and utmost happiness." He genuinely wished for them. 

Even his wishful words were soft. It was a peculiar wish with twisted wording, very unusual from what the Princess and Killian were used to. Longevity and happiness - he really wished the best for his servants. 

His words lead that his servants were his family. Being family, he should be able to help the Princess and Killian to find a way back to Miraculum - at least that's what the Princess wanted to believe. They had to do whatever they could to get into his favorites list. 

"When do we depart, Master?" The Princess asked. 

"Today." Heinrich shrugged his shoulders, "Aldrich, forgive me for overworking you but, can you please help my new family members? I would love for them to have a comfortable journey." 

"Master," Aldrich stood up from the bed, interlocked his hands in front of himself humbly, and smiled, "There is not a single day where I dread working for you. My heart beats for you and my blood flows for you. I shall make sure of everything. Rest assured."