Schönbrunn Palace

Situated in the heart of Vienna, Schönbrunn Palace was named after a beautiful spring that the Holy Roman Emperor Matthias happened to find in the surroundings of the Palace. After 5 whole days, the Princess and Killian had reached the Palace. The only person accompanying them was their chauffeur who didn't even enter the Palace with them. 

The Princess and Killian displayed their identity tags. They were shaped in a circle made of silver with a purple tassel hanging to them. It had Heinrich's crest carved on it, which was a horizontal hourglass, along with their names. The guard took a single look at it and then escorted them into the delegates' chamber. He informed them that they will be received soon. 

"This is so pretty." The Princess looked out the window of the chamber and expressed her thoughts, "But it still does not hold a stick to the mansion." 

"The mansion is prettier than any building I have ever seen." Killian also agreed. 

"Right?" The Princess nodded. "This might be a Palace, but the mansion is still prettier. Do you think the Great Father is some sort of Minister?" 

"If he is sending gifts to the Royal family, he must be of a high status." Killian said, "According to the history books, there are many branches of government here. He must be an archduke or someone of even higher status." 

"Yes." The Princess nodded. "Either way, he is not like normal people." 

"With all due respect, his status even outshines yours. And my lady, you are of Royal status." 

"Honestly," The Princess looked at Killian, "I would not be surprised if his status outshined the Royal family here as well." 

In any case, Heinrich seemed to have a high status. Merely because he was able to send his servants to the Royal Palace to deliver some gifts, it was safe to assume that his position in government was higher than their expectations. 

Suddenly, the door of the chamber creaked open after a small knock, and a man dressed in breeches, doublet, and a jerkin walked inside. He was wearing a hat with a Royal crest as well. 

He must be someone from the Royal family. 

The Princess and Killian stood up for precautions and bowed down. 

The man smirked, watching the two bow down to him without knowing who he was. 

"Do you even know who I am?" The man asked. 

The two shared glances. 

"We have failed to recognize you, Mr…" Killian stated confidently. 

"I am the Crown Emperor." The man, allegedly the Crown Emperor, smirked widely. 

Heinrich had warned the Princess and Killian to avoid this very man. Instead of the Royal frontman, the Crown Emperor himself had come to receive them. 

The two quickly bowed once again, "Your Royal Highness, we are a delegation sent by the Great Father. We have brought a present for the Holy Emperor and Empress." Killian respectfully said. 

"Ah, is that so?" The Crown Emperor asked, "Then I will accept the present." He added. "If it is that lady, send her to my room." 

The Princess instinctively took a step back, hiding behind Killian in utmost shock while trying to keep her eyes stuck to the ground. 

"Your Royal Highness, with due respect, Miss Sofia is also a delegate of the Great Father. The present is for the Holy Emperor and Empress." Killian tried to stay calm. 

"Uh huh," The Crown Emperor shook his index finger in the air, "I want the lady to go in my room first." He said nonchalantly, "Then you can go yourself to give this present to my father for all I care." 

Killian gulped, trying to think of a good argument. The Princess could understand why Heinrich wanted them to stay away from the Crown Emperor. He was full of malicious intentions. 

"Your Royal Highness," The Princess murmured, startling Killian by speaking up, "I belong to the Great Father. With all due respect, please consult him directly for this matter." She presented her argument. 

The Crown Emperor scoffed, "So, you are saying that you are his mistress?" 

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." The Princess nodded as she replied. 

"Then should I call him here and ask him directly? If he said otherwise, I will take you in as my concubine." The Crown Emperor wasn't going to go down without a fight. 

Killian didn't trust Heinrich. He tried to step up and come up with another argument but the Princess beat him to it. 

"Yes," The Princess replied. "Please call him here, Your Royal Highness." 

"Fred," The Crown Emperor addressed his servant. 

His servant, Fred, quickly rushed inside, "Yes, Your Royal Highness!" 

"Write a letter to the Great Father. Tell him I summoned him along with his wives." The Crown Emperor smirked as he ordered his servant. 

Killian's eyes went wider than the ocean. There was no way Heinrich would admit that the Princess was his mistress in front of his wives. No man could ever do such a thing! 

But the order was already given and the letter was sent through a pigeon in the blink of an eye. 

The Crown Emperor left for the time being and the frontman received the Princess and Killian. The Crown Emperor had informed the frontman that they were going to stay for the entire week. Therefore, the frontman decided to prepare a room for them instead. They were given separate rooms in the Palace as special guests. 

Their meeting with the Holy Roman Emperor and Empress was going to be tomorrow, and they were going to stay in the Palace for a week under the Crown Emperor's orders, waiting for Heinrich and his wives to come and vouch for the Princess. 

Each second passing was scarier for Killian. He didn't trust Heinrich at all. Losing the Princess to the filthy Crown Emperor was equal to death. He was better off dead than losing the Princess to someone so unlawful and filthy. 

He cursed at himself all night for not being able to come up with a better argument. If the Princess ended up in the Crown Emperor's possession, he would go feral and kill Heinrich for not taking responsibility.