Ability to See the Future

After a scrumptious dinner with the Royal family, Heinrich purposely called the Princess out of the guests' room to take a walk with her. During the walk, he purposely held her hand as well. The Palace, full of eyes and ears, would love the sight of the Great Father walking with his alleged mistress. The Crown Emperor wouldn't be able to find a single lie in any of his statements either. 

And truth be told, the Princess didn't hate the idea of holding Heinrich's hand. It was warm, bony yet soft. She had a lot of questions to ask him as well so this walk was perfect. 

"Master," The Princess called him after much consideration. 

"Yes?" He replied softly. 

"Why did you lie for me?" The Princess asked the most basic question first. 

"Because I already knew this was going to happen. And I already knew what argument you would pose to help yourself out of the situation." Heinrich said while looking at her. 

There was slight amusement on his face and the Princess wasn't sure what she wanted to feel about it. 

"So you can see the future!" She ignored his expression and exclaimed in excitement. 

Heinrich chuckled to her innocence, "You can see the future as well." He shrugged, "You came from the future, remember?" 

She frowned, "But that is not equivalent to the future you see." 

"How come? I merely know the things you have lived." He said. 

"I have not lived in the 17th century." 

Heinrich smiled, "You caught me." He said softly. "I cannot see the future, so you are partly wrong. I have lived in the future, so you are partly right."

"So you knew what would happen. And that is why you lied." 

Heinrich shook his head, "I have not lived in the future with you in it. Your arrival here was not destined and hence, I do not recall seeing you in the future." he explained, "What I mean is, I only expected the events of today and judged my answers on the spot. The protection of my family comes first. Therefore, I only did what was necessary." 

The Princess nodded, "So if you have lived in the future, you can send me back to Miraculum too! Am I right?" 

Heinrich stopped walking, causing the Princess to stop as well. He turned to face her and pulled his hand away from her hand. Instead, he grabbed her arms gently. 

"I think I owe you an apology." Heinrich said, "Forgive me for looking down on you and being harsh the other day. I intended to make you understand that you could not leave. My intention right now is also to let you know you cannot leave." 

The Princess frowned, still gripped in his arms. "Why?" She asked bitterly. "You can do everything. You can travel through time. So why can you not send me back?" 

Heinrich let go of her, "I do not time travel on will." He told her, "You will not understand it but, we might be unable to travel through time for another century." He added. "I request you to let go of the future and continue to live in the past - the present. I will be your guardian. So, fret not." 

The Princess looked down, "I do not understand." She said, "In any case, make me a promise." 

Heinrich nodded. 

"Promise me that if we can travel, you will send me back." 

"Of course, I will." Heinrich nodded, "I promise I will. I would love to. It is just that I cannot." Heinrich explained himself once again. 

The Princess smiled. She trusted Heinrich. Although she was unable to understand most of it, she believed that he meant no harm. He smiled back, grabbed her hand again, and continued to walk. 

"I have another question." The Princess said, hoping she wasn't annoying him with all the questions. 

Heinrich looked at her and raised an eyebrow. 

"Why does everyone call you the Great Father?" She asked fearlessly. She had been meaning to ask him for a while. 

Heinrich chuckled softly, "Because I happen to be older than everyone." 

The Princess looked at him with surprise. This wasn't the answer she was expecting. She remembered reading about the Holy Roman Emperor Matthias in one of the books and he was aged around 60. He had gray hair too. Heinrich didn't have gray hair, other than his sideburns. 

"You do not look that old." The Princess told him. 

"Really?" Heinrich asked, "Aldrich's sons tell me I might be the oldest man they have ever seen!" He exclaimed. 

The Princess looked at him once again and shook her head. "I do not believe that." 

Heinrich chuckled. Amusement was written all over his face. 

"But it is still strange." The Princess said slowly, "Even if you are older than everyone, why do they call you that? They should call you Sir." 

"Why do you not raise a petition?" Heinrich asked, "Make everyone call me Sir instead." He chuckled. 

The Princess chuckled as well. This was the first time she had wholeheartedly felt happy in a while. After being away from home, she wasn't sure if she would feel the same. But she was really happy to talk to Heinrich so casually. 

"I have-" 

"One more question?" Heinrich guessed her words with a smile. "You can ask me all the questions you want, whenever you want." 

"Really?" The Princess asked, "The lady at the mansion made it sound like we will be executed if we talked to you." 

"Was it Lady Odila?" Heinrich asked, "She enjoys terrorizing everyone new." 

The Princess smiled, "I am glad." 

"What were you going to ask me?" Heinrich asked, "We shall go back to the quarters once you ask me this last question." 

The Princess nodded, "What is your status?" She asked, "I apologize for accusing you of stealing a quill. I am sure your status is higher than that." She chuckled. 

"That darn quill led you to come here, am I right?" Heinrich asked, "My status is complicated. I stand above the Roman Empire, the Habsburgs,..." He added, "Everybody. I stand above everybody."