
As the Holy Roman Emperor bled uncontrollably from his wrist, Heinrich inquired one of the prison guards about every bit of procedure held on Sofia to extract a mere lie. Each time a new procedure was broken down to him, his anger only escalated. 

"Bring me those things," Heinrich ordered the prison guard for the equipment used to hurt Sofia, "And bring all the prison guards too. I will put up a small little show for everyone." He said eerily, looking at the Holy Roman Emperor - his prey. 

"G-Great Father!" The Holy Roman Emperor whimpered in pain, "I will always obey y-you!" He struggled to speak as he begged. "Please forgive me." 

Heinrich grinned, "Ferdinand," He called the Crown Emperor, "Tell him it is useless to blabber now." 

The Crown Emperor shook his head as he looked at his father. 

"You should have knelt before me the moment I arrived here. It would help if you had knelt before Sofia to help your wife out in her last moments instead of throwing her into prison and torturing her. You should have known your place, Matthias." Heinrich said sternly. "Good for me, I was going to dethrone you anyway. You gave me the perfect opportunity." 

"D-Dethrone me?!" 

"Of course." Heinrich nodded, "You have done nothing but bad. Because of you, my family is in danger. The children and women will have to face a war." 

"A war?" The Crown Emperor asked in fear. 

"A war will break out soon. All because of your petty decisions in the court." Heinrich said sternly. 

The Crown Emperor gulped, "What do we do, Great Father?!" 

Heinrich looked back at the door as soon as it opened with the prison guards bringing him all the necessary equipment to make the world a living hell for the Holy Roman Emperor. 

"For now?" Heinrich murmured, "We will watch this man beg me to kill him." 

[In Miraculum, at the Royal Palace - 3002] 

"This is treason!" The Royal Secretary shouted to the army in front of him, led by General Schneider. 

When the military paid no attention to him, he quickly turned around to inform the King about the revolt. As he walked inside, he saw the King looking out the window. 

"It is over." The King said. "I lost my daughter to my General's son, then I lost my Kingdom to the same General." He murmured. 

"Your Majesty," The Royal Secretary bowed, "They will kill you! You should run away from the back." 

"And then what?" The King asked, "Wait for my wife to die?" He asked, "Wait for my daughter to appear and die too?" 

The Royal Secretary frowned, "You can find her before them!" 

The King slowly sat down on the ground, "Is she even alive?" 

"Your Majesty!" 

Before the Royal Secretary could convince him to change his mind and run away, the door of the courts opened. 

The King gestured to the Royal Secretary to leave from the back alone and get the Queen to safety. He stood up to face the General and his army. It was the last Royal Command given to the Royal Secretary by King Hans III. He quickly escaped from the back to save the Queen. 

Usually, the Queens were left alive after a revolt. However, Queen Gisela was going to get killed because Consort Helene couldn't bear to see someone with an authority greater than hers when her son was the one to own the throne. 

"Schneider," The King called him with a solemn voice. 

They had been on many battlefields together. It was hard to believe that he was revolting against him like this. 

"You brought this upon yourself…" The General whispered unwanted words. 

[In the Holy Roman Empire - 1617] 

With the Holy Roman Emperor begging in the background, Heinrich taught everyone watching a lifelong lesson. Even the Royal court members had joined. All the ministers were on their knees, awaiting further orders. 

"We all know what will become of all of you present here if you decide to disobey me in the future." Heinrich said sternly, "I was the one who put this filthy addle-plot on the throne. Therefore, I can be the one to shove him under the ground too, no?" 

Everyone simultaneously bowed their heads and murmured to beg for forgiveness. Heinrich looked back at the blood-drenched Holy Roman Emperor. He was at the last limits of his life. It only made him angrier since they had left Sofia like this as well. 

"Ferdinand," He called the Crown Emperor who was shivering on the ground with fear, unable to hear him. "Ferdinand!" He repeated in annoyance. 

The Crown Emperor jerked, stood up, and bowed. "Y-Yes, Great Father!" 

"Ready to sit on the throne?" Heinrich asked with a grin on his face. 

The Crown Emperor felt his hands shaking uncontrollably. It was so extreme that he thought his hands would come off. 

"G-Great Father!" The Crown Emperor stuttered, "I might let you down…" He murmured, fearing his end would be the same as his father's. 

Heinrich scoffed, "Then don't let me down." He shrugged, "Kill your father for me and I promise to grant you one favor later in the future." 

The Crown Emperor looked up with his eyes widely opened, fear and resentment flowing in his veins. He looked at his blood-drenched father, the Holy Roman Emperor, whose death would become his enthronement. 

What was better? Killing your father to save yourself or dying together? 

"Y-Yes, Great Father." The Crown Emperor had made up his mind. 

He walked towards Heinrich to receive the sword. All the ministers were watching him commit the atrocity but no one dared to speak in front of Heinrich. The Crown Emperor walked to the Holy Roman Emperor, raised his sword, and stopped it, letting the man on his deathbed have a last word or few. 

"M-Make it," The Holy Roman Emperor coughed, "Make it quick!" 

Painful last words and much more painful death; the Crown Emperor pushed the sword against his father's chest, ending his father's life and starting his Kingdom.