Rectifying a Mistake

Aldrich reached the mansion alone. Everybody was still in the big hall. It would be chaotic to tell that Heinrich wasn't returning anytime soon. He went straight to Teresia's room to break the news to her. He knocked at the door first and then entered to see that the Princess was present there too along with her bodyguard, Killian. 

"Aldrich?" Teresia called it, "You are sweating. What is wrong?" 

Aldrich looked at the two and then looked at Teresia. 

"It is okay, tell me." Teresia brushed their presence. 

"I need to tell this to you alone, Miss Teresia," Aldrich said. 

Teresia nodded, "Will you two give us a moment?" 

"Of course." The Princess smiled and walked past Aldrich, leaving the room as quickly as she was asked to. Killian followed her like always. 

They were curious to hear the conversation so they shamelessly struck their ears against the door.