The Savior of the Apocalypse

Teresia left the mansion on her horse with Karoline. The mess on the streets rushed through her heart as she thought about the ones that had gone missing from the mansion. During these dire times, the only ones who could survive were the ones in the mansion. Anyone in the mansion was given a lifelong guarantee of safety had they adhered to the rules. It broke Teresia's heart that some people hadn't returned and Heinrich was still trapped in the fetters of his mind. 

While heading toward the lake, Teresia noticed Heinrich's horse coming from the road that led to the lake. And of course, Heinrich noticed Teresia too. They simultaneously stopped in front of each other. 

"I will not believe you if you said that you have come to see me." Heinrich told her bluntly. 

"Unfortunately," Teresia muttered. "That might be why I am in front of you right now." She said politely, oozing courtesy. 

Heinrich raised an eyebrow, "What is the situation?"