The Real Villain

With Killian holding her gown to help her walk down the stairs, the Princess followed his lead without fully understanding where he was taking her. It was way past midnight and almost everyone had gone to sleep. 

The world outside the mansion was in utter chaos. There was no sleep for those who were experiencing the war firsthand. But through Heinrich's grace, the mansion was safe and sound. 

Just like this, the Princess found herself drowning amidst contradictory thoughts. On one hand, she wanted to trust Killian and his intuition for always being true to her. However, she also wanted to trust Heinrich because he was the only person in this timeline who could keep them safe. 

Pushing her thoughts aside, the Princess quietly followed Killian's lead. As they reached the ground floor, the Princess noticed a woman going inside the infirmary. It was strange because the infirmary had been sealed shut by Heinrich. No human was allowed inside.