No Tears for the Ones Who Cry

Heinrich and Teresia rushed over to the Hoover quarters. The extended Hoover family had a separate portion of the mansion. It didn't make sense that Aldrich had fallen ill when none of the infected people were let near the Hoover quarters. Upon reaching the quarters, they found out that half of the people in the quarters had fallen ill. 

The rest had every inch of their bodies covered. As the two walked into Aldrich's room, the sight troubled them. He was bedridden, covered with nets, and distanced into a corner. Even his wife and children weren't allowed to go inside. 

Heinrich looked back at Karoline who was standing at the doorway, covered from head to toe for the life of her, "What about you?" 

"I do not think I am sick, Master." Karoline said in a sorrowful voice, "But quarantine me if you must."