Ominous Child

All the members of the Hoover family knelt. "Master! Please reconsider! August Hoover is an ominous child! He will only bring you disasters!" 

Heinrich frowned, "Dare any of you call him ominous, then I will make sure you do not live to see another day!" He sternly said to the crowd. 

Many members of the Hoover family immediately dispersed, worried they would anger Heinrich. However, Nikolaus Hoover, his family, and his close mates didn't budge. 

"We do not accept this, Great Father!" 

Their opposition had an apparent reason. It was because they were filled with covetousness, wanting everything for themselves. Their disgraceful expressions set Heinrich's heart on fire. He understood how August had been feeling all this time. It was impossible to reason with absurdity. 

"Did I ask you to accept it?" Heinrich frowned as he asked, "Shameless! A war is going on, and this is your concern?" He asked furiously.