True Immortal

Heinrich looked into the Princess's eyes. "No reason." He uttered, "I just wanted you to have no hope. I could not summon the wormhole at that time. So, I thought making you hopeless was the way." 

"You can summon the wormhole now, and you still refuse to send me back," The Princess looked at the thread on her wrist, "What use is returning this to me now?" 

Heinrich sighed, "I just hope your bodyguard can return to your side soon. That is all." 

The Princess squeezed her wrist, holding the thread against her skin. Killian hadn't been happy about Heinrich taking it away. But, he never mentioned his discomfort with the situation. He only asked about it once and then let it go. 

How could this thread bring Killian back? The Princess held onto it, wanting to believe it would bring Killian back. 

"I will leave you to rest now," Heinrich said as he stood up, "Rest assured. I will find Killian no matter what."