Act Like Yourself

Agneth's knees weren't going to like the amount of stairs needed to climb to reach the Princess's room. So, she gave up before she even tried and went back to the infirmary. Upon watching her enter, Killian sat up in anticipation, looking at Agneth with full eyes. 

"What?" Agneth murmured, "I did not see her," She admitted, "Her room is upstairs and my knees are old. Give me a break!" 

Killian sighed in disappointment, "Why did you agree to see her when you knew her room was upstairs?" 

"I did not know, that is why I agreed," Agneth shrugged, "Besides, they just shifted her there from what I know. Stop blaming me." 

Killian narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean? My lady has always stayed in the room at the topmost floor…" 

Agneth raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure about that?" She asked, "Because I heard she lived in the lower building. A maid even took me to her alleged room."