
August walked inside the room with a basket of herbs and a teapot. Looking at the scene in front of his eyes, he turned around softly. The Princess had gripped both corners of the blanket to cage Heinrich inside. She leaned so close to keep her grips that her hair fluttered and fell on his face. 

August cleared his throat, causing the Princess to retreat quickly. Heinrich instantly sat up now that there was no one to hold him down. Although his posture was sluggish and uneasy, he resorted to joking around. 

"What do you think you were doing?" He playfully asked the Princess as if his illness was fun for him. 

The Princess interlocked her hands and looked away. August stood between them with a pissed expression. His brows were furrowed, and he looked annoyed. 

"Not my problem," August sneered, "Lady Sofia, help me hold him up."