
The Princess woke up to a knock at her door. She sat up on the bed, looking out the window. The sun was high in the sky. She had overslept. Maybe making up useless theories in her head last night wasn't a good idea. 

She stood up from the bed sluggishly when the door knocked once again. 

"I am coming in," Heinrich announced from outside, opening the door right away. 

The Princess quickly wiped the drool under her lips and brushed her hair with her hands. 

"You know you can wait a minute or two before entering a lady's room?" The Princess scolded him in a low tone, continuously brushing her hair. 

Heinrich narrowed his eyes, "You were asleep?" He asked, "At this hour?" 

The Princess frowned at his attack. She cleared her throat, walking toward the mirror across the room. 

"Should you not be sleeping, Mr. Physically Sick?" The Princess murmured, hoping he wouldn't hear.