Head Over Heels

"Oh," Agneth chuckled, "I did not always live in my little cottage by the mountains," She murmured, "Back in the old times, I used to work in the palace's infirmary. I had seen Her Royal Highness quite a few times." 

"How sneaky," Heinrich chuckled. 

"Either way, it was a success," Agneth smiled brightly. 

"Thank you, Angel. You always do so much for me. I will never be able to repay you," Heinrich smiled gently, expressing his gratitude. 

Agneth grinned, "You want to repay me?" 

"Of course!" 

"Then appease my curiosity," Agneth shamelessly chuckled. 

Heinrich nervously laughed after her, "Alright, alright. What am I spilling?" 

"Your feelings," Agneth raised her eyebrows to tease him, "Regarding Her Royal Highness." 

Heinrich's eyes widened. Agneth instantly burst into laughter after seeing a similar reaction. The Princess had the same expression on her face.