
Kaspar slowly removed the white cloth from the body. August leaned forward to inspect it more clearly. There were bruises all over the dead body, showing clear signs of abuse. Worst of all, the body had decomposed beyond recognition. 

"Send her body to the other body. If someone recognizes her or knows her, they may hold her funeral," August instructed the guards. "If no one knows her, just bury her." They nodded, grabbing the ends of the stretcher and taking the body away. 

"Why do you not wait for the Great Father?" Warin asked in confusion, "I heard he was close to this woman." 

"Lady Sofia was close to Elisabeth Weiss as well. I would like to know why you rushed the funeral," Kaspar asked. 

August looked at the two adults in front of him. They spoke to August with much respect. Even though they were adults, they didn't disrespect August in any way. That's why August didn't mind when they questioned his decisions solely out of curiosity.