Bonus Chapter: The Deceased Are Back To Slander The Author!

Kaspar, who had been ignored by the Author after the main story, held the cue cards for another segment. His insignificant brother - whose name the author conveniently forgot - was sitting in the audience. In fact, he was the only audience. Right, just checked! His name was Warin. 

This segment had almost the same setup. Heinrich, the Princess, Killian, August, and Agneth were sitting on a round table, facing each other. 

Kaspar cleared his throat, "Welcome," He said loudly, "Today, we gather here to sob over our end and leave a few complaints while we are at it." He announced, "There are no rules for today's segment. I will simply ask for your opinions!" 

Everyone shared glances of relief. At least the evil Author wasn't going after them anymore! 

"The first question is quite simple," Kaspar said, "What do you feel about this ending?"